Juggler Software And Firmware - 7th Sense Juggler 1 User Manual

Pixel processor
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Juggler Software and Firmware

Juggler Software and Firmware
Compere is already installed for the internal operation of each Juggler on Linux. It handles all system
communications including the front panel display. To configure your system over the Juggler
network, install Compere on a local PC on the same network.
Juggler projects require compatible versions of the Compere software on all units in a project. If
incompatible versions are detected in a Project Group, these will show in the Network Discovery
The current version of Compere shows in several places: on a Juggler front panel display, in the
Compere UI title bar, and in Help > Show About. To see the version of a remote Juggler on the same
network, select it in a Compere Project Panel and find 'Compere version' in the Properties panel.
Upgrading Compere on Jugglers
You may need to install or update a (Linux) version of Compere on a Juggler or many Jugglers in a
Project Group. This can be done remotely from a control PC to distribute the installer. In Compere on
the control PC, select the required Jugglers in the Nodes panel. Right-click on one and select Admin >
Upgrade Compere (or Ctrl+Alt+C). Browse to the Linux installer on the control PC and click on 'Open'.
This will distribute the file to all the Juggler internal controllers. Progress can be seen in the Compere
Task Tracker icon or in the tracker panel (select main menu Panels > Task Tracker). Once all tasks
have completed 100%, the selected Jugglers can be rebooted remotely in the Nodes Panel from the
same right-click menu (Power > Reboot) and will be upgraded.
Juggler Firmware
Juggler is a highly configurable item, yours will carry firmware with some specific original
configurations to match your requirements. Firmware updates may be available from time to time to
improve performance, not in Compere but in the FPGA processor. The update process is very similar
to upgrading Compere, but the file you will have been provided with will be called BOOT.bin. Progress
of firmware uploading can also be seen in each Juggler:
M611-1 Operating Juggler 1 Pixel Processor : User Guide
© 2022 7thSense


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