Leica PaveSmart 3D User Manual page 104

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Possible cause(s)
System starts
• System has detected a problem
Tracking, but no
and stops for safety
deviations are
• Wrong prism targeted or wrong
displayed on
moving prism as-signed to
screen and dash-
board blinks
• Wrong reference line of Job
activated in Design dialog
• Machine is outside the limits of
the project
Dashboard blinks
• Tolerances exceeded
red continuously
Machine stops, all
• Wrong Job or reference line is
deviations are
loaded in the Job dialog
shown as "-" or
• Machine is out of project
System is tracking
• Stop Rule is active and machine
OK but machine
is outside of the defined toler-
does not move
ance range
PaveSmart 3D UM 104
Suggested remedies
• Check dashboard message
• Target correct prism and reas-
sign prism to robot (B#, only
with two prism solution)
• Perform a Tiepoint check to
verify robot orientation (if
necessary new Resection)
• Check loaded Job and assigned
reference line
• Drive the machine within the
design extents manually
• Press appropriate dashboard
button and check error message
• Check in the Job dialog to see
which design is selected
• Check that the selected Refer-
ence Line is correct
• Check Offsets
• In Pro Deactivate Stop rule and
drive machine to design position
• As a short-term measure, devia-
tion can be reduced with the
offset and the machine driven to
the design position
• Care must be taken to re set
stop rules


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