Experiment 2.4 - Brain Gripper Arm; Brain Gripper Arm - NeuLog Sense Autonomous Manual

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Experiment 2.4 – Brain Gripper Arm
The brain gripper arm.
Moving an object from one place to another.
Drawing pictures with the brain gripper arm.
Equipment required:
RobocklySense software
SENSE autonomous
USB connection cable
SNS-167 Brain gripper arm
A wooden rod
A marker

Brain gripper arm

The brain gripper arm has two servo motors. One
servomotor moves the gripper up and down. The second
servomotor opens and closes the gripper.
A servo motor is a motor with feedback. The feedback can
be voltage according to the motor speed or the shaft angle,
electrical pulses according to the motor shaft rotation and direction, and more.
Each servo motor of the gripper arm has transmission gear and potentiometer. The
potentiometer consists of a variable resistor that creates variable voltage
according to the servomotor shaft angle.
The brain controller of the gripper arm gets the required angle of the shaft. It turns
the motor CW (Clock Wise) or CCW (Counter Clock Wise) until the
potentiometer voltage suits this angle.
It checks the shaft angle all the time. If it changes mechanically, the controller
will turn the motor ON to return the shaft to the right position.


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