Ice-Cream Production (Freezing Cycle) - ICETEAM 1927 COMPACTA VARIO US Instruction Handbook Manual

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Compacta VariO US
Compacta VariO US - 2018/05 - Rev. 01
After 5 seconds or when pressing Heating button the display indicates the charge that can be
modified using Increase and Decrease buttons, which can be:
Max. Charge
Med. Charge
Min. Charge
Then the relevant cycle starts after about 5" or after pressing Heating button.
Heating section spigot door is equipped with a heat screen
(protective safety device). In any case, do not touch the spigot door during
heating and cooking stages or the stages immediately after, since it can reach very high
After heating the mix, it can be sent to the cylinder, by gradually lowering handle 5.
After washing, sanitizing and thoroughly rinsing the machine right before its use, according to the
instructions given above, take the mix (39°F), pour through the hopper according to the required
quantity and respecting the minimum and maximum values shown in the table (Sec. 2).
Before pouring the mix, make sure that the spigot door is perfectly closed.
Pour the required quantity of mix inside the hopper.
By pressing FREEZING button, the first freezing recipe is displayed. Now it is possible to
select within 5" the recipe to launch using INCREASE and DECREASE buttons (e.g. "Gelato
Max"), which will be automatically carried out after 5" or after pressing
When freezing is over, an acoustic signal informs the operator that ice cream is ready.
Place a suitable container under the ice cream outfeed, take the spigot door handle and rotate
the spigot door clockwise up to the limit stop, press EXTRACTION button.
This operation is carried out with beater rotation speed set to 7 (can be set by the user, see User
Programming). It is possible to have a cooling extraction by pressing FREEZING button.
It is possible to activate VEL 3 (can be set by the user) by pressing again extraction button or
change the speed using
Each time you press
on the selected charge.
When extraction is over, close the spigot door by taking the handle and rotating it anticlockwise.
Never introduce any object in the metal grille of the extraction
Compacta 4
spigot door while the beater is operating; this could damage
the spigot door and the beater of the machine.
Compacta 4
button activates POST-COOLING for a certain time depending
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