L3 NARDA PMM 9010 User Manual page 45

Emi signal analyzer
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6.3.1 Input: Attenuator
and preamplifier
6.3.2 Misc
Being entered in the Input submenu, to increase or decrease the
attenuation at the input, press Att + or Att -, and for each touch the
attenuation is increased or decreased of 5 dB (preset value). Depressing
either one of these keys force the receiver in manual attenuation.
When the input attenuation is 0dB (condition that can be achieved only if
the Minimum Attenuation is set to 0 dB as well), the yellow led to the left of
the input BNC connector is ON and indicates a warning status.
The Min Att button acts as a toggle switch: it selects or deselects the
minimum attenuation of 10 dB. When the minimum attenuation is selected,
the attenuator – doesn't matter if in automatic or in manual condition -
cannot be lowered under 10 dB.
Unless specifically required by the test conditions, do not remove the
minimum attenuation of 10 dB.
With the Preamp key it is possible to insert or exclude the built-in low noise
preamplification of 20 dB.
The internal 20 dB preamplifier can be used when very weak signals have
to be investigated. As already mentioned, with the preamplifier ON the
receiver takes automatically care of the 20 dB gain when measuring the
The Att Auto button is used to switch from the two conditions of manual or
automatic attenuation setting.
Please note that the switching of the attenuators is relatively noisy and you
can perceive it distinctly with a "click" for each switch operation.
Using 0 dB attenuation PMM 9010 has no input protection.
This is a potentially dangerous condition for the input stage of the
Use 0 dB attenuation only if you are very sure that your input signal is
less than 1 V (or 120 dBµV).
Before to apply an unknown signal to PMM 9010 receiver, use an
oscilloscope or a wide band RF voltmeter to measure it. In any case
set Min. ATT at 10 dB and select the maximum available attenuation
with preamplifier OFF.
If needed, add an external coaxial attenuator on the input signal line.
Under the Miscellaneous functions menu it is possible to activate or
exclude the Preselector filters, the Pulse Limiter, and also to set the
Tracking generator.
The Preselector is composed by a group of filters automatically selected
by the PMM 9010 while it is sweeping or anyway measuring. The aim of the
preselector is to reduce the amount of out-of-band energy entering in the
receiver, thus helping a lot in reducing intermodulation problems and similar
undesired behaviors.
It can be set either ON or OFF with the associated button, and normally it
should be always enabled.
On the top left corner of the screen the symbol "Off" or "On" will be
Manual Mode Operating Instructions


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