00000000 h(MIN) to FFFFFFFF h(MAX)
7. Other function
(1) DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)
Improve Signal to Noise ratio(S/N) by digital noise reduction.
Setting value 201500FC h
Setting value 20150xFC h x: 1- MODE1, 2- MODE2
Although MODE 2 provides greater noise reduction, there is some sacrifice in resolution.
Color Bars test pattern is available.
Setting value 20080xFE h
(3) NEGA
Brightness and darkness of picture is reversed.
Setting value 2008x0EF h
(4) EXT IN 75 ohm
Termination resistance of External HD/VD input is selectable.
-OFF( High Z)-
Setting value 2011807F h
x: 1- ON, 0- OFF
x: 1- ON, 0- OFF
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