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LG 32LH501C Owner's Manual page 149

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• Kad TV uključite prvi put nakon isporuke, njegova inicijalizacija može
•  If the TV is turned on for the first time after it was shipped from the
potrajati nekoliko minuta.
factory, initialization of the TV may take a few minutes.
•  Image shown may differ from your TV.
• Prikazana slika može se razlikovati od vašeg TV-a.
•  Your TV's OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from that
• Zaslon vašeg TV-a (OSD = On Screen Display) može se razlikovati od
shown in this manual.
onog prikazanog u ovom priručniku.
•  The available menus and options may differ from the input source
• Dostupni izbornici i opcije mogu se razlikovati od ulaznog izvora ili
or product model that you are using.
uređaja koji koristite.
•  New features may be added to this TV in the future.
• U budućnosti ćemo TV-u dodavati nove značajke.
•  The TV can be placed in standby mode in order to reduce the power
consumption. And the TV should be turned off if it will not be
• TV se može isključiti u pripravno stanje kako bi se smanjila potrošnja
watched for some time, as this will reduce energy consumption.
energije. Ako ga nećete gledati neko vrijeme, isključite ga, jer ćete
•  The energy consumed during use can be significantly reduced
tako smanjiti potrošnju energije.
if the level of brightness of the picture is reduced, and this will
• Potrošnja energije tijekom uporabe može se značajno smanjiti ako
reduce the overall running cost.
smanjite razinu svjetline slike.
•  The items supplied with your product may vary depending on the
• Isporučeni pribor može se razlikovati, ovisno o modelu.
• Zbog moguće nadogradnje funkcija uređaja, sadržaj ovog priručnika
•  Product specifications or contents of this manual may be changed
može se izmijeniti bez najave.
without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions.
•  For an optimal connection, HDMI cables and USB devices should
• Za optimalno povezivanje, HDMI kabeli i USB uređaji trebaju imati
have bezels less than 10 mm thick and 18 mm width. Use an
priključke tanje od 10 mm i uže od 18 mm. Ako USB memorijski štapić
extension cable that supports USB 2.0 if the USB cable or USB
ne stane u USB priključnicu TV-a, upotrijebite produžni kabel koji
memory stick does not fit into your TV's USB port.
podržava USB 2.0.
•  Use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached.
• Upotrijebite certificirani kabel označen logotipom HDMI.
•  If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not display
• Ne upotrijebite li certificirani HDMI kabel, slika se možda neće
or a connection error may occur. (Recommended HDMI Cable Types)
prikazati ili će doći do pogreške u spajanju. (Preporučeni tipovi HDMI
- High-Speed HDMI®/
- High-Speed HDMI®/
- High-Speed HDMI®
- High-Speed HDMI®
• Nemojte koristiti neodobreni pribor kako biste osigurali sigurnost i
•  Do not use any unapproved items to ensure the safety and product
dulji radni vijek uređaja..
life span.
•  Any damage or injuries caused by using unapproved items are not
• Bilo kakve štete ili ozljede nastale uslijed korištenja neodobrenog
covered by the warranty.
pribora nisu obuhvaćene jamstvom.
•  Some models have a thin film attached on to the screen and this
• Neki modeli imaju tanak film na zaslonu koji se ne smije uklanjati.
must not be removed.
• Prilikom postavljanja postolja na TV, postavite zaslon prema dolje na
•  When attaching the stand to the TV set, place the screen facing
mekanu podlogu ili ravnu površinu kako se ne bi ogrebao.
down on a cushioned table or flat surface to protect the screen
• Vodite računa da su vijci zategnuti dokraja. (Ako nisu, TV se može
from scratches.
nagnuti prema naprijed nakon postavljanja.) Nemojte prejako zatezati
•  Make sure that the screws are fastened completely. (If they are
vijke jer se tako mogu oštetiti i neće biti dobro učvršćeni.
not fastened securely enough, the TV may tilt forward after being
installed.) Do not use too much force and over tighten the screws;
otherwise screw may be damaged and not tighten correctly.
10 mm
18 mm
Cable (3m or less)
Cable with Ethernet (3m or less)
kabel (3 m ili manje)
kabel s Ethernetom (3 m ili manje)
Čišćenje TV-a
Cleaning your TV
Redovito čistite TV za najbolji rad i produljenje radnog vijeka.
Clean your TV regularly to keep the best performance and to extend the
product lifespan.
• Prvo isključite TV te odspojite kabel napajanja i sve druge kabele.
•  Make sure to turn the power off and disconnect the power cord and
• Ako je TV duže vrijeme bez nadzora i ako ga ne koristite, izvucite kabel
all other cables first.
napajanja iz utičnice kako biste spriječili potencijalnu štetu od munja
•  When the TV is left unattended and unused for a long time,
ili fluktuacije napona
disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet to prevent possible
damage from lightning or power surges.
Zaslon, okvir, kućište i postolje
Screen, frame, cabinet and stand
Za uklanjanje prašine ili manjih nečistoća, prebrišite površinu suhom,
To remove dust or light dirt, wipe the surface with a dry, clean, and
čistom i mekanom krpom.
soft cloth.
Za uklanjanje jačih nečistoća, prebrišite površinu mekanom krpom
To remove major dirt, wipe the surface with a soft cloth dampened in
navlaženom u čistoj vodi ili blagom razrijeđenom deterdžentu. Zatim
clean water or a diluted mild detergent. Then wipe immediately with
odmah prebrišite suhom krpom.
a dry cloth.
• Izbjegavajte dodirivanje zaslona jer ga tako možete oštetiti.
•  Avoid touching the screen at all times, as this may result in damage
• Nemojte pritiskati, trljati ili udarati zaslon noktom ili oštrim
to the screen.
predmetom jer tako mogu nastati ogrebotine i izobličenja slike.
•  Do not push, rub, or hit the screen surface with your fingernail or a
• Nemojte koristiti kemikalije jer one mogu oštetiti proizvod.
sharp object, as this may result in scratches and image distortions.
•  Do not use any chemicals as this may damage the product.
• Nemojte prskati tekućinu po površini. Ako u TV dospije voda, može
•  Do not spray liquid onto the surface. If water enters the TV, it may
doći do požara, strujnog udara ili kvara.
result in fire, electric shock, or malfunction.
Power cord
Kabel napajanja
Redovito brišite nakupljenu prašinu ili nečistoću s kabela napajanja
Remove the accumulated dust or dirt on the power cord regularly.
2016.06.08. 19:40:43



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