General Safety Information - Kellfri 35-FMF275 Manual

Pasture topper
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Before using the equipment, and for the safety of yourself and others, you must read the in-
struction manual and understand its contents. Always keep the instruction manual easily ac-
cessible for the user of the equipment. It is a good idea to read the safety instructions from
time to time, both for your own safety and that of others. It is important that the user under-
stands that common sense and general caution are not built into the product, but must be
supplied by the user.
If the instruction manual gets damaged or in any other way cannot be used, new copies may
be ordered from:
Kellfri AB, Munkatorpsgatan 6, SE-532 37 SKARA, Sweden. Tel: +46 511 242 50
The general safety instructions can also be downloaded from Kellfri's
Do not use the equipment or product if you feel ill, tired or are under the influence of alcohol.
Do not use the equipment or product if you are taking prescribed medication or drugs, suf-
fering from severe depression or mental illness. Always comply with general rules of the road
and applicable rules stipulated by the Animal Welfare Act. People under the age of 15 are not
allowed to use the equipment.
Warning symbols identify important safety aspects in this manual in order to help you and others avoid dangers
Where the machine is used professionally, employers are responsible for ensuring that users of the
machine have theoretical and practical knowledge of the machine and that work is performed in
a safe manner. Stay informed by complying with work environment legislation; contact your local
work environment authority.
The original design of the machine must not, under any circumstances, be modified with-
out the approval of the manufacturer. Unauthorised modifications and/or accessories
may cause life-threatening injuries or death to users and others.
and accidents. When using the machine: Be extremely careful!
This symbol indicates that a serious accident will occur if the directions in the manual are not followed.
The accident will lead to serious injury, possibly death, or serious damage.
This symbol indicates that an accident will occur if the directions in the manual are not followed. The
accident will lead to serious injury or damage.
This symbol indicates that an accident may occur if the directions are not followed. The accident will lead
to injury or damage.
NOTE indicates the risk of a breakdown if the directions are not followed.
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