Hll Valve Group Section Control (Remote Cylinders) - Belarus 1523.5 Operator's Manual

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1523.5-0000010 OM

2.19 HLL valve group section control (remote cylinders)

The control handles are located on the right side console of the cab. The handles have the
following positions: "neutral", "lowering", "floating" and "uplift".
Handle 3 (figure 2.19.1) controls the left section of the valve group as viewed along tractor
movement (left rear outlets of the hydraulic system). It can be fixed in positions "floating"
and "neutral". When set into positions "lowering" and "uplift", the handle shall be held with
a hand, when released the handle automatically returns to "neutral" position.
Handle 2 controls the middle section of the valve group (middle rear outlets of the hydrau-
lic system). It can be fixed in positions "floating" and "neutral". When set into positions
"lowering" and "uplift", the handle shall be held with a hand, when released the handle au-
tomatically returns to "neutral" position.
Handle 1 controls the right section of the valve group (right rear outlets of the hydraulic
system). It can be fixed in positions "floating", "neutral" and "uplift". When set into position
"lowering", the handle shall be held with a hand, when released the handle automatically
returns to "neutral" position. For the valve group of "BOSCH" company handle 1 automati-
cally returns to "neutral" position from the "uplift" position when the automatic return pres-
sure is reached (from 17,5 to 19,5 MPa). Your tractor can be equipped with a valve group
of the hydraulic unit RP70-1523.1 where handle 1 does not have the mechanism of auto-
matic return from the "uplift" position. In this case, after performing the uplift operation,
handle 1 shall be returned to the "neutral" position manually.
а) for tractors with the integrated block of
b) for tractors with the hydraulic unit RP70-1523.1
"BOSCH" company
1, 2, 3 – handles to control HLL valve group sections; 4 – instruction plate with the
diagram of HLL valve group section control.
Figure 2.19.1 – HLL valve group section control
For tractors with the integrated block of "BOSCH" company:
- setting of valve spindles into the position "uplift" is performed by shifting the lever from
the "neutral" position forward as viewed along tractor movement;
- setting of valve spindles into the positions "floating' and "lowering" is performed by shift-
ing the lever from the "neutral" position backwards.
For tractors with the hydraulic unit RP70-1523.1:
- setting of valve spindles into the position "lowering" and "floating" is performed by shifting
the lever from the "neutral" position forward as viewed along tractor movement;
- by shifting the lever from the "neutral" position backwards – valve spindles are set into
the position "uplift".
The instruction plate with the diagram of HLL valve group outlets connection to outer con-
sumers is attached to the tractor valve group, as specified in figure 2.19.2. The valve
group outlets are equipped with fast couplings with color protective covers.


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