General Information; Adjustment Of Brightness And Sharpness Of The Information Display; Call-Up Of Changeable Images And Parameters On The Screen Of The Information Display - Belarus 1523.5 Operator's Manual

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1523.5-0000010 OM
2.9 Information display and engine control system panel

2.9.1 General information

Information display 21 (figure 2.1.1) is designed to display engine actual parameters and
indication of the engine electronic control system (EECS) faults.
When the key of starter and instrument switch is set into "I" position (figure 2.2.2) the sup-
ply voltage is delivered to the engine electronic control system. After the supply voltage is
delivered, the EECS constantly performs self-testing. If there are no faults in the EECS
operation, the information display functions in the operating mode – it displays actual pa-
rameters of engine operation.
When the error is detected, the information display produces an acoustic signal and a brief
description of the identified errors (the error code designation and its description) appears
on the screen, also a fault testing annunciator lights up or flashes on engine control panel
33 (figure 2.1.1). The interpretation of error codes and the recommended actions to be
taken to eliminate the identified faults are given in the engine operation book.

2.9.2 Adjustment of brightness and sharpness of the information display

To enter the mode of adjustment of screen brightness and sharpness 7 (figure 2.9.1) press
button 5. Images of buttons are given in the screen lower part. Pressing button 1 decreas-
es brightness, pressing button 2 increases brightness, pressing button 3 decreases sharp-
ness, pressing button 4 increases sharpness, and pressing buttons 1,2,3,4 at the same
time adjusts to an average value of sharpness and max. brightness. Repeated pressing
button 5 exits the mode of brightness and sharpness adjustment.
2.9.3 Call-up of changeable images and parameters on the screen of the information
1 – button to activate the main (three-segment) image and choose between displayed pa-
rameters; 2 – button to activate four-section image and choose between displayed param-
eters; 3 – button to activate graphic display and choose between displayed parameters; 4
– button to activate indication of error (fault) list and choose between displayed parame-
ters; 5 – button to enter/exit the mode of adjustment of sharpness, brightness and configu-
ration menu; 6 – changeable display of buttons functional purpose; 7 – screen.
Figure 2.9.1 – Information display
Monitor buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (figure 2.9.1) are of multifunctional purpose. When pressing
any of buttons 2, 3, 4 during the monitor operation, an image of button panel 6 appears on
the screen, the icons denoting the current functions of each button. Pressing button 1 on
the monitor activates the main three-segment image on the screen. In this case an engine
speed scale is displayed in the upper left corner and a scale of oil pressure in the engine


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