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Troubleshooting Guide - Panasonic MX-151SG2WTN Service Manual


5 Troubleshooting Guide

• Motor fails to Armature Assy Or humming
noise is head
• Cutter Assy fails to rotate
• Noises and vibrations are observed
• Juice or other material leaks
• Current Breaking Function of Switch Assy
fails and cause motor burning
Possible Cause
1. Motor(Armature Assy. Field Assy) defec-
2. Wiring connection improper
3. Switch defective
4. Cord U broken
5. The current breaking function of switch
is on
6. Motor short-circuitted
7. Wear of Brush Assy
1. Cutter Assy shaft seizes up
2. Wear of Connector
1. Fastened conditions of screws improper
2. Cutter Assy deformed
3. Motor Shaft eccentric
4. Assembly of Juice Cup improper or fas-
tened conditions of Cup Base Assy to
Juice cup improper.
1. Juice cup cracked
2. Packing improperly fixed
3. Packing damaged
4. Juice cup and Cup Base Assy insuffi-
ciently fastened
Breaker of Switch Assy short-circuited
1. Replace Motor
(Armature Assy, Field Ass'y)
2. Correct it
3. Replace Switch
4. Replace Cord U
5. Push "OFF" and then "ON" of Switch
6. Replace Motor
(Armature Assy, Field assy)
7. Replace the two Brush Assy at the same
1. Replace Cutter Assy and Cup Base Assy
2. Replace Connector(Upper or lower)
1. Fasten tightly
2. Replace Cutter Assy
3. Replace armature Assy
4. Reassemble properly
1. Replace Juice cup
2. Properly fix Packing
3. Replace Packing
4. Fasten them firmly
Replace both Motor(Armature Ass'y and Field
Assy) and Switch Ass'y


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