Sms Configuration - jacarta interSeptor Pro-XP User Manual

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interSeptor Pro-XP
obtain the BSSID, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway
Address from WiFi Router.

7.3 SMS Configuration

This page allows user to set the SMS receivers and parameters. The
maximum phone numbers that users can add into the list is 8.
Modem Setting
GSM Modem Function: This field allows user to enable or
disable GSM Modem Function. Available values are Disabled
and Enabled, default value is Disabled.
Authentication/PIN Code: If the SIM card is locked by a PIN
code, user must select the Authentication and key in the
correct PIN code. The Authentication can be Checked or
Unchecked and default is Unchecked. If the Authentication
is Unchecked, user cannot key in the PIN Code. The
maximum size of PIN Code is 7 characters. Available is
numerals*3, default is blank.
Error Code: This field record the status when send SMS
(refer Error Code table).
Receiver Table Setting
Phone Number: The mobile phone number of the
administrator or user. The maximum size is 20 characters.
Available is numerals*3, default is blank.
Action: Enabled or Disabled sending SMS to the Phone No.
The default is Disabled.
Event Filter: This field defines the SMS is sent by severity or
by event. Available values are "By Severity" and "By Event".
The default value is "By Severity".
Event Level: The content of Event Level depends on Event
By Severity: If the value of Event Filter is By


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