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New Holland 5500 Service Manual page 19


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Can also contain harmful and toxic unreacted resins and resin hardening agents. The manufacturers instructions
should be followed and the on resin based adhesives, isocyanate containing adhesives and foams should be con-
Spraying should preferably be carried out in exhausted ventilated booths removing vapor and spray mists from the
breathing zone. Individuals working in booths should wear respiratory protection. Those doing small scale repair work
in the open shop should wear supplied air respirators.
Paint thinners
See solvents.
See fuels (gasoline).
Pressurised equipment
See high pressure air, lubrication and oil test equipment.
Resistance welding
See welding.
See adhesives and sealers.
See welding.
Solders are mixtures of metals such that the melting point of the mixture is below that of the constituent metals (nor-
mally lead and tin). Solder application does not normally give rise to toxic lead fumes, provided a gas/air flame is
used. Oxy-acetylene flames should not be used, as they are much hotter and will cause lead fumes to be evolved.
Some fumes may be produced by the application of any flame to surfaces coated with grease etc. and inhalation of
these should be avoided.
Removal of excess solder should be under taken with care, to ensure that fine lead dust is not produced, which can
give toxic effects if inhaled. Respiratory protection may be necessary.
Solder spillage and filing should be collected and removed promptly to prevent general air contamination by lead.
High standards of personal hygiene are necessary in order to avoid indigestion of lead or inhalation of solder dust
from clothing.
See chemical materials- general fuels (kerosene), fire.
E.g. Acetone, white spirit, toluene, xylene, trichlorethane.
Used in cleaning materials, de-waxing, paints, plastics, resins, thinners etc.
Highly Inflammable, flammable.
Skin contact will decrease the skin and may result in.irritation and dematitis following repeated or prolonged contact.
Some can be absorbed through the skin in toxic or harmful quantities.
Splashes in the eye may cause severe irritation and could lead to loss of vision.
47899740 24/06/2015

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