Sensor Components; Mounting; Assembly Of The Cup Unit And Vane - Quark-Elec AS06 User Manual

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QK-AS06 Manual

2. Sensor Components

The AS06 sensor has the following components:
-- Wind vane, mounted on the top of the sensor
body, made of polycarbonate, with a brass tip.
-- Wind cups: the three cups are cone shaped for
optimum response to varying winds.
-- Anemometer base, which contains the main
processing unit.
-- Anemometer arm with 1.0 meter cable and
waterproof connector.
-- Extension cable: 10- or 20-meter-long extension
cables available.
-- Mounting kit: contains parts most commonly needed for installation. Adaptation
of the mounting bracket or additional parts might be required for specific
installation needs.

3. Mounting

The AS06 wind sensor should be mounted where the wind speed or direction are
not altered by nearby objects or obstacles. Use the following guidelines to
determine the best location for installing the AS06.
• For the most accurate readings, the anemometer should be mounted at least 2 m (7 ft) above the
ground and consistent with meteorological conditions for the application.
• The AS06 cable should be secured with cable ties to protect it from damage.
• Secure the mast the AS06 is mounted on so that it does not vibrate.
• Installing a lightning rod nearby can reduce the risk of damage caused by lightning.
•The sensor can be damaged by improper handling. Store the sensor in its shipping box until you are
ready to install it.

3.1 Assembly of the cup unit and vane

The AS06 is shipped with the wind vane and cups not
mounted to the unit. The cup unit and the vane blade
are made of light materials for optimum response to the
wind. Both are balanced to provide accurate
measurement and to prevent vibration. Take care not to
damage the cup unit or the vane blade while mounting.
Attaching the Wind Vane
The wind direction sensor has been calibrated in the
factory so the wind direction will be accurate when the
vane is installed correctly.
1. Slide the wind vane onto the wind vane shaft. The
shaft's cross-section is D-shaped to ensure that the
vane is installed correctly.
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