Reasonably Foreseeable Misuse; Modifications And Alterations To The Labeling Station - Weber Geset 100 Original User Manual

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Chapter 2 Safety regulations

Reasonably foreseeable misuse

Usage different than or going beyond that specified under "Intended use" is considered
The operator bears sole responsibility for
Damage arising from improper use.
Furthermore, the manufacturer assumes no liability for such use.
Improper use can cause exposure to risk!
Improper use includes e.g. the following:
Operating in an explosive atmosphere
When the labeling system comes into contact with food...

Modifications and alterations to the labeling station

If the machine is independently modified and altered, all of the manufacturer's liability and
warranties will expire. This also holds true for modifications and changes to the programs
of the programmable control system as well as changes to the parameters to control de-
vices not described in these operating instructions.
The electromagnetic behavior of the machine can be impaired by additions or changes.
Do not change or modify the machine without first consulting the manufacturer and obtain-
ing the written approval.
Version: 16.07.13
Page 15 of 77
32708885 Geset 100


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