To Make The Tubing Connections - PerkinElmer 200 UV/VIS Series User Manual

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Making Tubing Connections

To make the Tubing Connections

You connect the column outlet tubing to the column and then connect the column outlet tub-
ing to the Detector, as described below.
Connecting the Column Outlet Tubing to the Column:
1. Slide the Fingertight connector over the end of the tubing.
2. Insert the end of the tubing into the end of the column until the tubing bottoms.
3. Hold the tubing firmly in the part. Turn the connector clockwise until it is fingertight.
4. Insert the other end of the tubing into a beaker.
5. Flush the tubing and check that it is not blocked by starting the pump and waiting until
it achieves its normal operating pressure.
If the system runs at its normal operating pressure, you can connect it to the Detector. If the
operating pressure is abnormally high, you should suspect a blocked tubing. Replace the
tubing and repeat the steps above.
Connecting the Column Outlet Tubing to the Detector:
1. Stop the pump.
2. Slide the Fingertight connector over the end of the tubing.
3. Insert the end of the tubing into the inlet connector on the Detector until the tubing bot-
4. Hold the tubing firmly in the part. Turn the connector clockwise until it is fingertight.
5. Start the pump and wait until it achieves normal operating pressure.
If a leak occurs at the connection, tighten the fitting an additional 1/8 turn. If the leak per-
sists, disconnect the leaking fitting and inspect it. The threads should be in good condition.
If the nut appears to be in good condition, reconnect the fitting. If the leak persists, replace
the nut and repeat the procedure until you achieve leak-free operation.
Use care when making fluid connections.
Over-tightened fittings may crimp tubing and
cause flow stoppage or excessive backpres-
sure while under-tightened fittings may cause
solvent leaks around the fitting. Damage
caused by overtightening or undertightening
connections is not covered under warranty.
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