Operation; Troubleshooting - Sealey BBQ11 Instructions Manual

Gas bbq 5 burner + side burner & side bowl
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8. operATion

food can be barbecued with the lid open or closed. When the lid is closed for 5 minutes, the lid must be opened for 1 minute to
release heat.
wArninG! The black area of the handles (refer to fig.5) will become hot when the barbecue is in use. do noT touch the black area.
To releASe HeAT.
9. MAinTenAnCe
to clean the barbecue, turn the burner on for 5 to 10 minutes. Grease will be burned off from the grill as well as the flame tamer
ensure the barbecue is cold before continuing. the grill should be cleaned periodically by soaking and washing in soapy water. use a
wire brush, steel wool or a scouring pad to remove stubborn spots. Alway rinse thoroughly with clean water.
the interior surfaces of the grill housing cover should be washed with hot soapy water.
regularly clean the drip tray reservoir with hot soapy water. it is sited beneath the barbecue at the back and will be hot whilst the
barbecue is in use, see assembly picture 15, part number 18.
Periodically check the burner to see that it is free from insects and spiders which may block the gas system.
clean the venturi tube on the burner very carefully, checking to see that it is free of obstructions. We recommend the use of a pipe
cleaner to clean the venturi tube area.
Any modifications of this appliance may be dangerous and is not permitted. do noT alter parts sealed by the manufacturer.
the gas bottle must be stored outdoors in a well ventilated area and must be disconnected from your barbecue when not being used.
ensure that you are outside and well away from any sources of ignition before disconnecting your bottle.
When using your barbecue after a period of storage, check for gas leaks and for any obstructions in the burner before using. Also
follow the cleaning instructions to ensure the barbecue is safe. Check that areas under the lid and flame tamer are free from any
obstruction, (insect, ingress etc.). This area must be kept clean, as it may affect the flow of combustion or air.
We recommend you use a barbecue cover to protect this item when not in use. ensure it is cool before the cover is used. covers must
be removed periodically to minimise moisture build up.

10. TrouBleSHooTinG

Burners will not light using the ignition
low flame or flashback (flame in burner
tube, a hissing or roaring noise may be
recycle unwanted materials instead of disposing of them as waste. All tools, accessories and packaging should be sorted,
taken to a recycling centre and disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment.
when the product becomes completely unserviceable and requires disposal, drain off any fluids (if applicable)
into approved containers and dispose of the product and the fluids according to local regulations.
NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice.
iMporTAnT: no liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
wArrAnTy: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.
© Jack sealey limited
Possible cause
Gas cylinder empty.
faulty regulator.
obstructions in burner.
obstructions in gas jet or gas hose.
Wire is loose or disconnected on electrode
or ignition unit.
electrode or wire is damaged or faulty push
button igniter.
the distance between the burner and the
electrode pin is too large or too small
Gas cylinder is too small.
obstructions in burner.
obstructions in gas jets or gas hose.
Windy conditions.
environmental protection
sole uK distributor, sealey Group.
Kempson Way, suffolk Business Park,
Bury st. edmunds, suffolk.
iP32 7Ar
Original Language Version
replace with full cylinder.
Have regulator checked or replace.
cleans jets and gas hose.
reconnect wire.
change electrode wire or change igniter.
check and ensure the distance between the
burner and the electrode pin is 3-5mm.
use larger cylinder.
clean burner.
clean jets and gas hose.
use barbecue in a more sheltered position.
01284 757500
01284 703534
BBQ11 | issue 2(l) 25/09/17


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