Samsung SM-T580 User Manual

Samsung SM-T580 User Manual

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User Manual
English (EU). 06/2017. Rev.1.0


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Samsung SM-T580

  • Page 1 SM-T580 User Manual English (EU). 06/2017. Rev.1.0
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Controlling the touchscreen Memo Home screen Clock Lock screen Calculator Notification panel Kids Mode Entering text Google apps Screen capture Opening apps Multi window Samsung account Transferring data from your previous device Device and data management QUICK CONNECT Sharing features...
  • Page 3 Table of Contents Settings Introduction Connections Sound Notifications Display Wallpaper Advanced features Device maintenance Apps Lock screen and security Cloud and accounts Google Accessibility General management Software update User manual About tablet Appendix Troubleshooting Removing the battery...
  • Page 4: Basics

    • B e careful not to forget your unlock codes for the screen lock, accounts, and other security features. If you forget an unlock code, you will not be able to use the device if you do not reset it. Samsung is not responsible for any data loss or inconvenience caused by forgotten unlock codes.
  • Page 5: Device Overheating Situations And Solutions

    • I f the lower part of the device overheats, it could be because the connected USB cable is damaged. Replace the damaged USB cable with a new Samsung-approved one.
  • Page 6 Basics When the device heats up during use When you use features or apps that require more power or use them for extended periods, your device may temporarily heat up due to increased battery consumption. Close any running apps and do not use the device for a while. The following are examples of situations in which the device may overheat.
  • Page 7 • D ecrease the screen brightness. • I f the device overheats or feels hot for a prolonged period, do not use it for a while. If the device continues to overheat, contact a Samsung Service Centre. Device limitations when the device overheats When the device heats up, the features and performance may be limited or the device may turn off to cool down.
  • Page 8: Package Contents

    • A ppearances and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. • Y ou can purchase additional accessories from your local Samsung retailer. Make sure they are compatible with the device before purchase. • U se only Samsung-approved accessories. Using unapproved accessories may cause the performance problems and malfunctions that are not covered by the warranty.
  • Page 9: Device Layout

    Basics Device layout Front camera Light sensor Power key Volume key Touchscreen Memory card slot Home key Recents key Back key Multipurpose jack Microphone Headset jack GPS antenna Main antenna Rear camera Flash Loud speaker Loud speaker...
  • Page 10 – If you attach metallic stickers on the antenna area of the device – If you attach a device cover made with metallic material to the device • U sing a Samsung-approved screen protector is recommended. Unapproved screen protectors may cause the sensors to malfunction.
  • Page 11: Battery

    Charge the battery before using it for the first time or when it has been unused for extended periods. Use only Samsung-approved chargers, batteries, and cables. Unapproved chargers or cables can cause the battery to explode or damage the device.
  • Page 12 Basics Viewing the remaining charging time While charging, open the Home screen and tap Apps → Settings → Device maintenance → Battery. The actual charging time may vary depending on the status of your device and the charging conditions. The remaining charging time may not be displayed when you charge the device in very cold or very hot conditions.
  • Page 13 • I f you charge the device while the multipurpose jack is wet, the device may be damaged. Thoroughly dry the multipurpose jack before charging the device. • I f the device is not charging properly, take the device and the charger to a Samsung Service Centre.
  • Page 14: Memory Card (Microsd Card)

    To view your device’s maximum memory card capacity, refer to the Samsung website. • S ome memory cards may not be fully compatible with the device. Using an incompatible card may damage the device or the memory card, or corrupt the data stored in it.
  • Page 15 Do not remove the memory card while the device is transferring or accessing information. Doing so can cause data to be lost or corrupted or damage to the memory card or device. Samsung is not responsible for losses that result from the misuse of damaged memory cards, including the loss of data.
  • Page 16: Turning The Device On And Off

    Basics Turning the device on and off Press and hold the Power key for a few seconds to turn on the device. When you turn on your device for the first time or after performing a data reset, follow the on- screen instructions to set up your device.
  • Page 17: Controlling The Touchscreen

    Basics Controlling the touchscreen • D o not allow the touchscreen to come into contact with other electrical devices. Electrostatic discharges can cause the touchscreen to malfunction. • T o avoid damaging the touchscreen, do not tap it with anything sharp or apply excessive pressure to it with your fingertips.
  • Page 18 Basics Tapping and holding Tap and hold an item or the screen for more than 2 seconds to access available options. Dragging To move an item, tap and hold it and drag it to the target position. Double-tapping Double-tap on a webpage or image to zoom in. Double-tap again to return.
  • Page 19 Basics Swiping Swipe to the left or right on the Home screen or the Apps screen to view other panels. Swipe upwards or downwards to scroll through a webpage or a list of items, such as contacts. Spreading and pinching Spread two fingers apart on a webpage, map, or image to zoom in a part.
  • Page 20: Home Screen

    Basics Home screen Home screen The Home screen is the starting point for accessing all of the device’s features. It displays widgets, shortcuts to apps, and more. To view other panels, swipe to the left or right, or tap one of the screen indicators at the bottom of the screen.
  • Page 21 Basics Home screen options On the Home screen, tap and hold an empty area, or pinch your fingers together to access the available options. Customise the Home screen by adding, deleting, or rearranging Home screen panels. You can also set the Home screen wallpaper, add widgets to the Home screen, and more.
  • Page 22 Basics Removing items Tap and hold an item, and then drag it to Remove shortcut, Delete, or Remove at the top of the screen. Creating folders Create folders and gather similar applications to quickly access and launch apps. On the Home screen, tap and hold an app, and then drag it over another app. Drop the app when a folder frame appears around the apps.
  • Page 23 Basics Managing panels On the Home screen, tap and hold an empty area to add, move, or remove a panel. To add a panel, swipe to the left, and then tap To move a panel, tap and hold a panel preview, and then drag it to a new location. To remove a panel, tap and hold a panel preview, and then drag it to Remove at the top of the screen.
  • Page 24 Basics Drop the app when a folder frame appears around the apps. A new folder containing the selected apps will be created. Tap Enter folder name and enter a folder name. To change the folder colour, tap To add more apps to the folder, tap ADD, tick the apps, and then tap ADD. You can also add an app by dragging it to the folder on the Apps screen.
  • Page 25 Basics Indicator icons Indicator icons appear on the status bar at the top of the screen. The icons listed in the table below are most common. The status bar may not appear at the top of the screen in some apps. To display the status bar, drag down from the top of the screen.
  • Page 26: Lock Screen

    Samsung account. • I f the unlock code is forgotten, you will not be able to use the device if you do not reset it. Samsung is not responsible for any data loss or inconvenience caused by forgotten unlock codes.
  • Page 27: Notification Panel

    Basics Notification panel Using the notification panel When you receive new notifications, indicator icons appear on the status bar. To see more information about the icons, open the notification panel and view the details. To open the notification panel, drag the status bar downwards. To close the notification panel, swipe upwards on the screen.
  • Page 28 Basics Using quick setting buttons Tap quick setting buttons to activate certain features. Swipe downwards on the notification panel to view more buttons. To change feature settings, tap the text under each button. To view more detailed settings, tap and hold a button. To rearrange buttons, tap →...
  • Page 29: Entering Text

    Basics Entering text Keyboard layout A keyboard appears automatically when you enter text to send emails, create memos, and more. Text entry is not supported in some languages. To enter text, you must change the input language to one of the supported languages. Delete a preceding character.
  • Page 30 Basics Additional keyboard functions Tap and hold to use various functions. Other icons may appear instead of the icon depending on the last function that was used. • : Enter text by voice. Change the voice input settings. Start or pause entering text by voice.
  • Page 31: Screen Capture

    Basics Copying and pasting Tap and hold over text. to select the desired text, or tap Select all to select all text. Drag Tap Copy or Cut. The selected text is copied to the clipboard. Tap and hold where the text is to be inserted and tap Paste. To paste text that you have previously copied, tap Clipboard and select the text.
  • Page 32: Opening Apps

    Basics • D raw: Write or draw on the screenshot. • C rop: Crop a portion from the screenshot. • S hare: Share the screenshot. Opening apps On the Home screen or the Apps screen, select an app icon to open it. To open an app from the list of recently used apps, tap and select a recent app window.
  • Page 33 Basics Split screen view to open the list of recently used apps. Swipe upwards or downwards and tap on a recent app window. The selected app will launch in the upper window. In the lower window, swipe upwards or downwards to select another app to launch. To launch apps not in the list of recently used apps, tap MORE APPS and select an app.
  • Page 34 Basics Using additional options Tap the bar between the app windows to access additional options. Switch locations between app windows. Close the currently selected app. Switch the selected window to a pop-up view. Adjusting the window size Drag the bar between the app windows up or down to adjust the size of the windows.
  • Page 35 Basics Sharing text or images between windows Drag and drop text or copied images from one window to another. Tap and hold an item in the selected window and drag it to a location in another window. Some apps may not support this feature. Minimising the split screen view Press the Home key to minimise the split screen view.
  • Page 36: Samsung Account

    Samsung account Introduction Your Samsung account is an integrated account service that allows you to use a variety of Samsung services provided by mobile devices, TVs, and the Samsung website. Once your Samsung account has been registered, you can use apps provided by Samsung, without signing in to your account.
  • Page 37 Removing your Samsung account When you remove your registered Samsung account from the device, your data, such as contacts or events, will also be removed. On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Cloud and accounts → Accounts.
  • Page 38: Transferring Data From Your Previous Device

    Transferring data from your previous device You can transfer contacts, images, and other data from a previous device to your device via Smart Switch or Samsung Cloud. • T his feature may not be supported on some devices or computers.
  • Page 39 Smart Switch. On the computer, launch Smart Switch. If your previous device is not a Samsung device, back up data to a computer using a program provided by the device’s manufacturer. Then, skip to the fifth step. Connect your previous device to the computer using the USB cable.
  • Page 40: Device And Data Management

    Basics Device and data management Connecting the device to a computer for data transfer Move audio, video, image, or other types of files from the device to the computer, or vice versa. Do not disconnect the USB cable from the device when you are transferring files. Doing so may cause data loss or device damage.
  • Page 41 On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Cloud and accounts → Backup and restore → Backup settings for the Samsung account, tap the switches next to the items you want to back up to activate them, and then tap BACK UP NOW.
  • Page 42: Quick Connect

    Basics Using a Google account On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Cloud and accounts → Backup and restore and tap the Back up my data switch for the Google account to activate it. Tap Backup account and select an account as the backup account. To add the backup account, tap Add account. To restore data using a Google account, tap the Automatic restore switch to activate it.
  • Page 43 Basics Tap QUICK CONNECT. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features will be activated and the device will automatically search for nearby devices. Select a device from the list and connect to it by following the on-screen instructions. The next steps may vary depending on the connected device. Connecting to a TV Connect your device and a TV to view the device’s content on the larger screen.
  • Page 44: Sharing Features

    Basics Streaming content on the registered TV If you register a TV to your device, you can more easily connect to the TV while playing content. When your device recognises the registered TV while you are watching content, the icon will appear on the device.
  • Page 45: Applications

    Applications Installing or uninstalling apps Galaxy Apps Purchase and download apps. You can download apps that are specialised for Samsung Galaxy devices. Tap Samsung → Galaxy Apps on the Apps screen. This app may not be available depending on the region or service provider.
  • Page 46 Applications Managing apps Uninstalling or disabling apps On the Apps screen, tap → Edit. The icon appears on the apps that you can disable or uninstall. Select an app and tap DISABLE or OK. Alternatively, on the Apps screen, tap Settings →...
  • Page 47: Contacts

    Applications Contacts Introduction Create new contacts or manage contacts on the device. Adding contacts Creating a new contact Tap Contacts on the Apps screen. and select a storage location. Enter contact information. Select a storage location. Add an image. Enter contact information. Open more information fields.
  • Page 48 Sync your device contacts with online contacts saved in your web accounts, such as your Samsung account. On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Cloud and accounts → Accounts, select an account name, select the account to sync with, and then tap Contacts (Samsung account) or Sync Contacts. Searching for contacts On the Apps screen, tap Contacts.
  • Page 49 Applications Sharing contacts You can share contacts with others by using various sharing options. Tap Contacts on the Apps screen. Tap → Share. Tick contacts and tap SHARE. Select a sharing method. Merging duplicate contacts When you import contacts from other storages, or sync or move contacts to other accounts, your contacts list may include duplicate contacts.
  • Page 50: Internet

    Browse the Internet to search for information and bookmark your favourite webpages to access them conveniently. Browsing webpages Tap Samsung → Internet on the Apps screen. Tap the address field. Enter the web address or a keyword, and then tap Go.
  • Page 51: Email

    Setting up email accounts Set up an email account when opening Email for the first time. Tap Samsung → Email on the Apps screen. Enter the email address and password, and then tap SIGN IN. To manually register an email account, tap MANUAL SETUP.
  • Page 52: Camera

    Applications Sending emails to compose an email. Add recipients and enter an email text. Tap SEND to send the mail. Reading emails When Email is open, the device will automatically retrieve new emails. To manually retrieve emails, swipe downwards on the screen. Tap an email on the screen to read it.
  • Page 53 Applications Using swipe gestures Quickly control the preview screen by swiping in different directions. You can change the shooting mode, switch between cameras, or apply filter effects. Front camera preview Shooting modes Rear camera preview Filter effects Switching cameras On the preview screen, swipe upwards or downwards to switch between cameras. Viewing shooting modes On the preview screen, swipe from the left to the right to open the shooting modes list.
  • Page 54 Applications Viewing filter effects One the preview screen, swipe from the right to the left to open the filter effects list. You can apply a unique feel to your photos or videos. This feature is only available in some shooting modes. Basic shooting Taking photos or recording videos Tap the image on the preview screen where the camera should focus.
  • Page 55 Applications • T he preview screen may vary depending on the shooting mode and which camera is being used. • T he camera automatically shuts off when unused. • M ake sure that the lens is clean. Otherwise, the device may not work properly in some modes that require high resolutions.
  • Page 56 Applications Pro mode Take photos while manually adjusting various shooting options, such as exposure value and ISO value. On the shooting modes list, tap Pro. Select options and customise the settings, and then tap to take a photo. • : Select an appropriate white balance, so images have a true-to-life colour range. You can set the colour temperature.
  • Page 57 Applications HDR (Rich tone) Take photos with rich colours and reproduce details even in bright and dark areas. On the shooting modes list, tap HDR (Rich tone). Without effect With effect Selfie Take self-portraits with the front camera. You can preview various beauty effects on the screen.
  • Page 58 Applications Night Take a photo in low-light conditions, without using the flash. On the shooting modes list, tap Night. Beauty face Take a photo with lightened faces for gentler images. On the shooting modes list, tap Beauty face. Sports Take a photo of fast-moving subjects. On the shooting modes list, tap Sports.
  • Page 59 Applications Camera settings On the preview screen, tap The available options may vary depending on the shooting mode and which camera is being used. REAR CAMERA • P icture size: Select a resolution for photos. Using a higher resolution will result in higher quality photos, but they will take up more memory.
  • Page 60: Gallery

    Applications Gallery Introduction View images and videos stored in your device. You can also manage images and videos by album or create stories to share with others. Viewing images and videos Viewing images On the Apps screen, tap Gallery → PICTURES. Select an image.
  • Page 61 Applications To hide or show the menus, tap the screen. You can create a GIF animation or collage from multiple images. Tap → Animate or Collage, and then select images. You can select up to six images for your collage. Viewing videos On the Apps screen, tap Gallery →...
  • Page 62 Tap and hold a story to delete, and tap DELETE. Syncing images and videos with Samsung Cloud You can sync images and videos saved in Gallery with Samsung Cloud and access them from other devices. You must register and sign in to your Samsung account to use Samsung Cloud.
  • Page 63: Calendar

    Applications Deleting images or videos Deleting an image or a video Select an image or a video and tap Delete at the bottom of the screen. Deleting multiple images and videos On the main Gallery screen, tap and hold an image or a video to delete. Tick the images or videos to delete.
  • Page 64 Syncing events and tasks with your accounts On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Cloud and accounts → Accounts, select an account service, select the account to sync with, and then tap Calendar (Samsung account) or Sync Calendar. To add accounts to sync with, open the Apps screen and tap Calendar → → Manage calendars →...
  • Page 65: My Files

    Applications My Files Access and manage various files stored in the device or in other locations, such as cloud storage services. On the Apps screen, tap My Files. View files that are stored in each storage. You can also view files in your device or a memory card by category.
  • Page 66: Clock

    Tap and hold an alarm, tick alarms to delete, and then tap DELETE. WORLD CLOCK On the Apps screen, tap Samsung → Clock → WORLD CLOCK. Creating clocks , enter a city name or select a city from the globe, and then tap ADD.
  • Page 67: Calculator

    Applications STOPWATCH On the Apps screen, tap Samsung → Clock → STOPWATCH. Tap START to time an event. To record lap times while timing an event, tap LAP. Tap STOP to stop timing. To restart the timing, tap RESUME. To clear lap times, tap RESET.
  • Page 68: Kids Mode

    Applications Kids Mode Provide a fun and safe environment for children by restricting children’s access to certain apps or content. To start kids mode, tap Kids Mode on the Home or Apps screen. When you launch this app for the first time, set PIN. Then, follow the on-screen instructions. Kids Store Kids Gallery Kids Music...
  • Page 69 Applications Maps Find your location on the map, search the world map, and view location information for various places around you. Play Music Discover, listen to, and share music on your device. You can upload music collections stored on your device to the cloud and access them later. Play Movies &...
  • Page 70: Introduction

    Settings Introduction Customise settings for functions and apps. You can make your device more personalised by configuring various setting options. On the Apps screen, tap Settings. To search for settings by entering keywords, tap Connections Wi-Fi Activate the Wi-Fi feature to connect to a Wi-Fi network and access the Internet or other network devices.
  • Page 71 Settings Tap CONNECT. • O nce the device connects to a Wi-Fi network, the device will reconnect to that network each time it is available without requiring a password. To prevent the device connecting to the network automatically, select it from the list of networks and tap FORGET.
  • Page 72 • D o not use the Bluetooth feature for illegal purposes (for example, pirating copies of files or illegally tapping communications for commercial purposes). Samsung is not responsible for the repercussion of illegal use of the Bluetooth feature. Pairing with other Bluetooth devices On the Settings screen, tap Connections →...
  • Page 73 Settings Accept the Bluetooth connection request on your device to confirm. The devices will be connected when the other device accepts the Bluetooth connection request. Sending and receiving data Many apps support data transfer via Bluetooth. You can share data, such as contacts or media files, with other Bluetooth devices.
  • Page 74 Settings Tablet visibility Allow other devices to find your device to share content with you. When this feature is activated, your device will be visible to other devices when they search for available devices using their Transfer files to device option. On the Settings screen, tap Connections and tap the Tablet visibility switch to activate it.
  • Page 75 Settings More connection settings Customise settings to control other features. On the Settings screen, tap Connections → More connection settings. • N earby device scanning: Set the device to scan for nearby devices to connect to. • P rinting: Configure settings for printer plug-ins installed on the device. You can search for available printers or add one manually to print files.
  • Page 76: Sound

    Settings Printing content While viewing content, such as images or documents, access the options list, tap Print → → All printers..., and then select a printer. Printing methods may vary depending on the content type. Sound Change settings for various sounds on the device. On the Settings screen, tap Sound.
  • Page 77: Notifications

    Settings Notifications Change the notification settings for each app. On the Settings screen, tap Notifications. To customise notification settings, tap ADVANCED and select an app. • A llow notifications: Allow notifications from the selected app. • S how silently: Set the device to mute notification sounds and hide notification previews. •...
  • Page 78: Wallpaper

    Settings Wallpaper Change the wallpaper settings for the Home screen and the locked screen. On the Settings screen, tap Wallpaper. Advanced features Options Activate advanced features and change the settings that control them. On the Settings screen, tap Advanced features. Excessive shaking or impact to the device may cause unintended input for some features.
  • Page 79: Device Maintenance

    Settings Device maintenance The device maintenance feature provides an overview of the status of your device’s battery, storage, memory, and system security. You can also automatically optimise the device with a tap of your finger. Battery Device security Storage Memory Using the quick optimisation feature On the Settings screen, tap Device maintenance →...
  • Page 80 Settings Battery Check the remaining battery power and time to use the device. For devices with low battery levels, conserve battery power by activating power saving features. On the Settings screen, tap Device maintenance → Battery. • T he usage time left shows the time remaining before the battery power runs out.
  • Page 81: Apps

    • A pp shortcuts: Select apps to display shortcuts to them on the locked screen. • F ind My Mobile: Activate or deactivate the Find My Mobile feature. Access the Find My Mobile website ( to track and control your lost or stolen device.
  • Page 82 Settings • U nknown sources: Set the device to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources. • P rivate mode: Activate private mode to prevent others from accessing your personal content. Refer to Private mode for more information. •...
  • Page 83 Settings Hiding content On the Apps screen, launch an app to hide items. Select an item and tap → Move to Private. If private mode is not activated, follow the on-screen instructions to enter the preset private mode access code. The selected items will be moved to the private folder.
  • Page 84: Cloud And Accounts

    Cloud and accounts Introduction Sync, back up, or restore your device’s data using Samsung Cloud, or reset your device. You can also register and manage accounts, such as your Samsung account or Google account, and transfer data to or from other devices via Smart Switch.
  • Page 85 Settings Accounts Add your Samsung account and other accounts to sync with them. Adding accounts Some apps used on your device require a registered account. Create accounts to have the best experience with your device. On the Settings screen, tap Cloud and accounts → Accounts → Add account.
  • Page 86 Settings Adding users On the Settings screen, tap Cloud and accounts → Users. Tap Add user or profile → User → OK → SET UP NOW. The device will switch to a new user account and the default locked screen will appear on the screen.
  • Page 87: Google

    On the Settings screen, tap Cloud and accounts → Backup and restore. SAMSUNG ACCOUNT • B ackup settings: Back up your personal information and app data to Samsung Cloud. You can also set the device to automatically back up data.
  • Page 88: Accessibility

    Settings Accessibility Configure various settings to improve accessibility to the device. On the Settings screen, tap Accessibility. • V ision: Customise the settings to improve accessibility for visually impaired users. • H earing: Customise the settings to improve accessibility for users with hearing impairment.
  • Page 89: General Management

    • R eport diagnostic information: Set the device to automatically send the device’s diagnostic and usage information to Samsung. • M arketing information: Set whether to receive Samsung marketing information, such as special offers, membership benefits, and newsletters.
  • Page 90: User Manual

    Settings User manual View help information to learn how to use the device and apps or configure important settings. On the Settings screen, tap User manual. About tablet Access your device’s information. On the Settings screen, tap About tablet. • S tatus: View various device information, such as the Wi-Fi MAC address and serial number.
  • Page 91: Appendix

    Appendix Troubleshooting Before contacting a Samsung Service Centre, please attempt the following solutions. Some situations may not apply to your device. When you turn on your device or while you are using the device, it prompts you to enter one of the following codes: •...
  • Page 92 • R estart your device to clear any temporary software bugs. • E nsure that your device software is updated to the latest version. • I f the touchscreen is scratched or damaged, visit a Samsung Service Centre. Your device freezes or encounters a fatal error Try the following solutions.
  • Page 93 • E nsure that the charger is connected properly. • V isit a Samsung Service Centre and have the battery replaced. The battery depletes faster than when first purchased • W hen you expose the device or the battery to very cold or very hot temperatures, the useful charge may be reduced.
  • Page 94 • F ree some memory by transferring files to a computer or deleting files from your device. • R estart the device. If you are still having trouble with the camera app after trying these tips, contact a Samsung Service Centre. Photo quality is poorer than the preview •...
  • Page 95 Data stored in the device has been lost Always make backup copies of all important data stored in the device. Otherwise, you cannot restore data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible for the loss of data stored in the device.
  • Page 96: Removing The Battery

    • S amsung does not accept liability for any damage or loss (whether in contract or tort, including negligence) which may arise from failure to precisely follow these warnings and instructions, other than death or personal injury caused by Samsung’s negligence.
  • Page 97 Samsung Electronics. Trademarks • S AMSUNG and the SAMSUNG logo are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics. ® • B luetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide.

Table of Contents