Gemcone Liquid Fitting Maintenance; Concentric Glass Nebulizer; Installing The Concentric Nebulizer On The Cyclonic Spray Chamber - PerkinElmer AVIO 500 Customer Hardware And Service Manual

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4. Apply ultra-sonication to the solution containing the nebulizer for about five
5. Rinse the nebulizer thoroughly using deionized water.
6. Dry the gas passages of the conespray nebulizer by connecting the argon gas
fitting and turning on the argon flow to 1 L/min. Allow the argon flow to dry
the internal passages for several minutes.

GemCone Liquid Fitting Maintenance

It is possible to remove the liquid inlet fitting to the nebulizer. The clear plastic
fitting has a knurled head and can be unscrewed by hand. Before reconnecting the
fitting, make sure that about 1-2 mm of tubing protrudes out from the sealing side
of the fitting. Screw the fitting back into the nebulizer and snug to hand tightness.

Concentric Glass Nebulizer

Installing the Concentric Nebulizer on the Cyclonic Spray Chamber

Handle the concentric nebulizer carefully to avoid breaking the
glassware and possible injury.
Avertissement: Manipuler avec soin le nébuliseur concentrique pour
éviter de casser la verrerie et des blessures.


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