Safety And Operation Rules - Patriot equipment Snout Cone Manual

Table of Contents


Safety precautions are essential when the use of any mechanical equipment is involved. These precautions are
necessary when using, storing, and servicing mechanical equipment. Using this equipment with the respect and caution
demanded will considerably lessen the possibilities of personal injury. If safety precautions are overlooked or ignored,
personal injury or property damage may occur.
This unit was designed for specific applications. It should not be modified or/and used for any application other than
which it was designed. If there are any questions regarding its application, please write or call. Do not use this unit until you
have been advised. For more information, call 1-800-264-6587.
Read this entire manual carefully. Know your equipment. Consider the application, limitations, and the potential
hazards specific to your unit. Occupational safety is of prime concern to us. This manual was written with the safety of the
operator and others who come in contact with the equipment. This manual was written to help you understand the safe
operating procedures of the Snout Cone. We want you as our partner in safety. A copy of this manual should be available to
all persons who may operate this machine.
It is your responsibility as an owner, operator, or supervisor to know what specific requirements, precautions, and
work hazards exist and to make these known to all other personnel working with the equipment or in the area, so that they too
may take any necessary safety precautions that may be required. Avoid any alterations of the equipment. Such alterations may
create a dangerous situation where serious injury or death may occur and will void warranty.
Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION with safety messages. The
appropriate signal word for each message has been selected using the following guidelines:
DANGER – An immediate and specific hazard which will result in severe personal injury or death if
proper precautions are not taken.
WARNING – A specific hazard or unsafe practice which could result in severe personal injury or death if
proper precautions are not taken.
CAUTION – Unsafe practices which could result in personal injury if proper precautions are not taken or
a reminder of good safety practices.


Why is SAFETY important to you?
Accidents disable and kill
Accidents cost money
Accidents can be avoided
Signal Words
Snout Cone V2.1


Table of Contents

Table of Contents