Commissioning; Maintenance And Replacement - Huawei LUNA2000 User Manual

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User Manual
Moving Heavy Objects

1.7 Commissioning

When the equipment is powered on for the first time, ensure that professional
personnel set parameters correctly. Incorrect settings may result in inconsistency
with local certification and affect the normal operation of the equipment.

1.8 Maintenance and Replacement

High voltage generated by the equipment during operation may cause an electric
shock, which could result in death, serious injury, or serious property damage.
Prior to maintenance, power off the equipment and strictly comply with the safety
precautions in this document and relevant documents.
Issue 01 (2020-10-20)
Be cautious to avoid injury when moving heavy objects.
When moving the equipment by hand, wear protective gloves to prevent
Maintain the equipment with sufficient knowledge of this document and
using proper tools and testing equipment.
Before maintaining the equipment, power it off and follow the instructions on
the delayed discharge label to ensure that the equipment is powered off.
Place temporary warning signs or erect fences to prevent unauthorized access
to the maintenance site.
If the equipment is faulty, contact your dealer.
The equipment can be powered on only after all faults are rectified. Failing to
do so may escalate faults or damage the equipment.
Do not open the cover without authorization. Otherwise, electric shocks may
occur, and the resulting faults are beyond warranty scope.
Installation personnel, maintenance personnel, and technical support
personnel must be trained to operate and maintain the equipment safely and
correctly, take comprehensive precautionary measures, and be equipped with
protective instruments.
Before moving or reconnecting the equipment, disconnect the mains and
batteries and wait for five minutes until the equipment powers off. Before
maintaining the equipment, check that no dangerous voltages remain in the
DC bus or components to be maintained by using a multimeter.
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1 Safety Precautions

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