Auto-Q - Gako UNGUATOR Q Operatng Instructons And Producton Recomendatons

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Set with "+" or "-" the desired rpm and confirm your selection with "ok".
With this option you may define up to 6 mixing stages. With "Esc" you may go back to the
previous step and edit if necessary. By confirming the final ID stage, you also confirmed
the completed identification number in total.
In case the entered identification number shows less than 6 mixing stages, you may still
conclude earlier. To do this, set the time to "0" using "+" or "-" after you defined your
final mixing level. Once you confirmed with pressing "ok", the remaining mixing level will
automatically be set to "0".
Another question regarding the desired jar size will appear. If you wish to prepare the
same jar size with the entered identification number again, confirm the proposed jar size
with "ok".
If you have entered an identification number for a specific jar size but would like to
prepare a formulation with a different size, enter the actual jar size with "+" or "-" and
confirm with "ok". The UNGUATOR® Q now automatically scales all previously entered
mixing parameters adjusted for the actual jar size.
Scaling is limited to a minimum of 5 seconds and maximum 10 minutes for each mixing
level. Hence smaller or greater time intervals cannot be processed.
Please note: As a professional user you are responsible for the quality of the final
formulation. Please always check the quality of the final product prior delivering to the
After each completed mixing process the UNGUATOR® Q generates an identification
number which contains all mixing parameters. You have the opportunity to save, record or
reject the number. Saving the formulation enables you to individually name it. Rejecting
the identification number would not allow the data being retrieved again and the
information is lost.
If the mixing process has been interrupted the UNGUATOR® Q does not create any
identification number. You may continue mixing on your own responsibility or starting the
mixing process over.

6.4.2 Auto-Q

With the program "Auto-Q" you may begin a mixing process directly without retrieving a
previously saved mixing program.
Select with "+" or "-" the specified UNGUATOR® jar size and confirm with "ok". From a jar


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