Unguator® Jar - Gako UNGUATOR Q Operatng Instructons And Producton Recomendatons

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Flowing recesses of the UNGUATOR® SMB
The flow-adapted shape of the UNGUATOR® SMB generally cleans itself during the
rotating penetration of the ointment. Unmixed ingredients may adhere to recesses of flow
of the UNGUATOR® SMB depending on ointment's ingredients' compatibility of weighted
formulation and also if the UNGUATOR® Jar is considerably under filled (e.g. large volumes
of powder). These remnants should be transferred into the UNGUATOR® Jar using a
spatula when about half of the mixing time is complete. The air should be decreased again
following this process. When using the UNGUATOR ® Disp. Blade, however, there are no
recesses of flow and no remedial work is generally required.
The heat that develops from the friction between the UNGUATOR® MB and the inside
wall of the UNGUATOR® Jar is required. Decreased viscosity increases the wetability
of powders and accelerates the penetration of potential powder pockets. Even the
emulsifying readiness of fats and oils is benefited by heat. A temperature of 54°C/129°F
was the maximum taken after 6 minutes of mixing a highly pasty preparation made of
vaseline and zinc oxide aa at full speed. This temperature increase is generally safe for the
substances used in the pharmaceutical field. Ointments of low viscosity only heat slightly
[2]. Volatile substances such as ethereal oils or alcohol do not evaporate from the closed
UNGUATOR® Mixing System.
Cleaning the UNGUATOR® MB
The UNGUATOR® MB is normally cleaned with a paper towel and, if necessary, held under
a hot water faucet and then dried with the paper towel. UNGUATOR® MBs can also be
cleaned in a dishwasher.
The UNGUATOR® devices as well as the UNGUATOR® line of products should never be
treated with sharp-edged objects or abrasive cleaning agents.
5.2.2 UNGUATOR® Jar
The UNGUATOR® Jar is both the mixing and the dispensing jar and is therefore designed
as an expendable or disposable jar. The UNGUATOR® Jar guarantees evaporation-free and
contamination-free preparation in the air-reduced mixing space.
The UNGUATOR® Jar Lid closes the UNGUATOR® Jar to ensure no loss of active ingredients.
Used as a dispensing jar, the UNGUATOR® Jar corresponds to the guidelines for quality
assurance from the German Chamber of Pharmacists ("Apothekerkammer").


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