MasterCool 52225-MED Operating Instructions Manual page 23

Multi-function medical/surface infrared thermometer
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Surface temperature
˚F / ˚C: : in modalità "spegnimento", premere e tenere premuto il pulsante "START", quindi premere
Surface temperature
Memory locations
il pulsante "ON/MEM" per 3 secondi, l'icona "°F" verrà sostituita da "°C". Con la stessa procedura è
anche possibile per cambiare il display LCD da °C a °F.
Memory locations
NOTA: l'interruttore 'centigradi/Fahrenheit' e quello che cancella la memoria coincidono, per cui,
°F / °C switch
passando da gradi centigradi a Fahrenheit, la memoria viene cancellata.
°F / °C switch
Memory locations
Il dispositivo è impostato con l'audio attivato, e può essere attivato/disattivato in modalità MUTE.
Mute mode
Ad apparecchio acceso, tenete premuto per 3 secondi il tasto "ON/MEM". Sul display LCD, l'icona
°F / °C switch
Mute mode
lampeggerà e poi attiverà il pulsante "ON/MEM" che imposta il silenziatore. Da quel momento non si
sentiranno più segnali acustici. Con lo stesso procedimento il silenziatore può essere disattivato.
Use of the thermometer
Note: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject and the device should
NOTA: se tenete premuto il pulsante "ON/MEM" per 2 secondi dopo che l' icona
stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.
Use of the thermometer
Mute mode
dispositivo si spegnerà SENZA attivare il silenziatore.
1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean.
Note: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject and the device shou
stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.
Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at places where
1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean.
children and pets can't reach.
2. Power on:
Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at places where
Use of the thermometer
Press the "ON/MEM" button (see figure 1).
NOTA: se c'è differenza di temperatura tra l'ambiente in cui è custodito il dispositivo e quello in cui s'intende eseguire
Note: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject and the device should
2. Power on:
3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:
stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.
la misurazione, il soggetto e il dispositivo devono rimanere nella stessa stanza per almeno 15 minuti prima della
Press the "ON/MEM" button (see figure 1).
will flash on
1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean.
3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:
Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at places where
1. Accertarsi sempre che la lente del sensore sia pulita e senza danni e che anche la fronte sia pulita.
2. Power on:
È possibile che l'ingestione di piccole parti e batterie da parte di bambini o animali domestici provochi
Press the "ON/MEM" button (see figure 1).
soffocamento, si prega di conservare piccole parti e batterie in luoghi in cui bambini e animali domestici non le
3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:
possono raggiungere.
2. Accensione:
Premere il pulsante "ON/MEM" (vedere figura 1).
3. Misurazione frontale della temperatura corporea:
Premere il pulsante "ON/MEM" per accendere il dispositivo. La modalità frontale è la modalità preimpostata. Sul
display si vedrà apparire l'icona
il termometro a una distanza di 4 cm (1,5")dal centro della fronte e premere il pulsante "START" per ottenere la
lettura della temperatura frontale. Il tempo necessario per la misurazione potrebbe essere di 1 secondo. Dopo
ogni misurazione sulla fronte, attendere che l'icona
4. Measuring surface temperature:
• La temperatura della fronte viene visualizzata come lettura 'orale', cioè convertita visualizzando il suo "equivalente
• Prima della misurazione, il soggetto deve rimanere in un ambiente stabile per 5 minuti ed evitare per 30 minuti di fare
esercizio fisico o il bagno.
5. Power off:
• Nel prendere la temperatura, badare a tenere la fronte pulita, libera da sudore e cosmetici e di stare lontano dalle
Important Notes
• La "distorsione clinica" è di -1,4 ~ -1,7°C (-2,5 ~ -3,1°F).
• Il "limite di concordanza" è 0,98.
• La "ripetibilità" è di 0,20°C (0,36°F)
And Storage
1. Dopo l'accensione, tenere premuto il pulsante "ON/MEM" e premere una volta il pulsante "START" per la modalità
"termometro a infrarossi" sul display LCD apparirà l' icona
della superficie di contatto.
2. Premendo il pulsante "START" si otterrà immediatamente la temperatura in tempo reale. Continuando a tenere
Battery replacement
premuto il pulsante "START", la lettura della misurazione verrà continuamente aggiornata.
NOTA: questa modalità mostra la temperatura superficiale effettiva e non corretta, che è diversa dalla temperatura
1. Per prolungare la durata della batteria, il dispositivo si spegnerà automaticamente se lasciato inattivo per più di 1
Trouble shooting:
2. Per spegnere manualmente il dispositivo premere il pulsante "ON/MEM".
or patient, for example the baby's milk.
Surface temperature
or patient, for example the baby's milk.
à Please see the "Use of the thermometer" section to learn how to measure the body
There are total 25 sets of measurement condition for body temperature.
If the thermometer detects a temperature ≧99.5°F (or 37.5°C) under forehead mode, three
à Please see the "Use of the thermometer" section to learn how to measure the object
Memory locations
à Please see the "Use of the thermometer" section to learn how to measure the object
à When power on, press the "ON/MEM" button to see the temperature records with
short beep sound will follow one long beep sound to warn the user for the temperature is above
The surface mode shows the actual and unadjusted surface temperature which is different from
In "Power Off" mode, press and hold the "START" button, then press the "ON/MEM" button for
99.5°F (37.5°C).
If the thermometer detects a temperature ≧99.5°F (or 37.5°C) under forehead mode, three
If the thermometer detects a temperature ≧99.5°F (or 37.5°C) under forehead mode, three
the body temperature. It can help you monitor if the object temperature is suitable for the baby
3 seconds, icon "°F" will be switched to icon "°C". You can also use the same process to
short beep sound will follow one long beep sound to warn the user for the temperature is above
short beep sound will follow one long beep sound to warn the user for the temperature is above
There are total 25 sets of measurement condition for body temperature.
or patient, for example the baby's milk.
°F / °C switch
change the LCD display from °C to °F.
99.5°F (37.5°C).
99.5°F (37.5°C).
à Please see the "Use of the thermometer" section to learn how to measure the object
à When power on, press the "ON/MEM" button to see the temperature records with
NOTE: Memory clear and Celsius/Fahrenheit switch are together. When you switch Celsius and
There are total 25 sets of measurement condition for body temperature.
There are total 25 sets of measurement condition for body temperature.
Fahrenheit, the Memory will be cleared.
In "Power Off" mode, press and hold the "START" button, then press the "ON/MEM" button for
Memory locations
If the thermometer detects a temperature ≧99.5°F (or 37.5°C) under forehead mode, three
à When power on, press the "ON/MEM" button to see the temperature records with
3 seconds, icon "°F" will be switched to icon "°C". You can also use the same process to
The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.
à When power on, press the "ON/MEM" button to see the temperature records with
short beep sound will follow one long beep sound to warn the user for the temperature is above
change the LCD display from °C to °F.
In "Power Off" mode, press and hold the "START" button, then press the "ON/MEM" button for
When power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button for 3 seconds. The icon
In "Power Off" mode, press and hold the "START" button, then press the "ON/MEM" button for
99.5°F (37.5°C).
NOTE: Memory clear and Celsius/Fahrenheit switch are together. When you switch Celsius and
3 seconds, icon "°F" will be switched to icon "°C". You can also use the same process to
the LCD screen and then release the "ON/MEM" button to set MUTE. Thus you will not hear
3 seconds, icon "°F" will be switched to icon "°C". You can also use the same process to
Mute mode
Fahrenheit, the Memory will be cleared.
change the LCD display from °C to °F.
beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.
There are total 25 sets of measurement condition for body temperature.
°F / °C switch
change the LCD display from °C to °F.
The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.
NOTE: Memory clear and Celsius/Fahrenheit switch are together. When you switch Celsius and
NOTE: Memory clear and Celsius/Fahrenheit switch are together. When you switch Celsius and
NOTE: If keep pressing "ON/MEN" button for 2 seconds after
à When power on, press the "ON/MEM" button to see the temperature records with
When power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button for 3 seconds. The icon
Fahrenheit, the Memory will be cleared.
be power off WITHOUT setting Mute.
In "Power Off" mode, press and hold the "START" button, then press the "ON/MEM" button for
the LCD screen and then release the "ON/MEM" button to set MUTE. Thus you will not hear
The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.
The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.
Use of the thermometer
3 seconds, icon "°F" will be switched to icon "°C". You can also use the same process to
beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.
When power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button for 3 seconds. The icon
When power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button for 3 seconds. The icon
change the LCD display from °C to °F.
Note: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject and the d
NOTE: If keep pressing "ON/MEN" button for 2 seconds after
the LCD screen and then release the "ON/MEM" button to set MUTE. Thus you will not hear
the LCD screen and then release the "ON/MEM" button to set MUTE. Thus you will not hear
NOTE: Memory clear and Celsius/Fahrenheit switch are together. When you switch Celsius and
stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.
Mute mode
be power off WITHOUT setting Mute.
beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.
beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.
Fahrenheit, the Memory will be cleared.
1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean.
NOTE: If keep pressing "ON/MEN" button for 2 seconds after
NOTE: If keep pressing "ON/MEN" button for 2 seconds after
The device setting with buzzer is on, you can set buzzer on/off under Mute mode.
Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at places
be power off WITHOUT setting Mute.
When power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button for 3 seconds. The icon
children and pets can't reach.
the LCD screen and then release the "ON/MEM" button to set MUTE. Thus you will not hear
2. Power on:
Use of the thermometer
beep sounds. You can also use the same process to turn off the Mute function.
Press the "ON/MEM" button (see figure 1).
Note: If there is any temperature difference between the places where the device is stored and where you are going to measure, subject a
NOTE: If keep pressing "ON/MEN" button for 2 seconds after
stay in the same room for at least 15 minutes before measurement.
3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:
be power off WITHOUT setting Mute.
1. Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is clean.
Warning: Choking from swallowing small parts and batteries by children or pets is possible, please keep small parts and batteries at
children and pets can't reach.
children and pets can't reach.
2. Power on:
Press the "ON/MEM" button (see figure 1).
3. Measuring body temperature on the forehead:
children and pets can't reach.
Figure 1
Press the "ON/MEM" button to power on the device. Forehead mode is the default mode. You can see the
and hear two beep sounds (see figure 1). In this mode, you can hold the thermometer within 4 cm from the central forehead (Fig. 2) and press
the "START" button to get the forehead measurement. The time consuming for measurement might be 1 second. After each forehead
e si sentiranno due bip (vedere figura 1). In questa modalità, è possibile tenere
measurement, wait
icon stop flashing to be ready for next measurement.
Points for attention:
Press the "ON/MEM" button to power on the device. Forehead mode is the default mode. You can see the
a. Forehead temperature is displayed in oral mode. This mode converts the forehead temperature to display its "oral-equivalent" value.
and hear two beep sounds (see figure 1). In this mode, you can hold the thermometer within 4 cm from the central forehead (Fig
b. Before the measurement, the subject should stay in a stable environment for 5 minutes and avoid exercise, bath for 30mins.
the "START" button to get the forehead measurement. The time consuming for measurement might be 1 second. After each fore
c. Remember to keep the forehead area clean and away from sweat, cosmetics and scar while taking temperature.
measurement, wait
-2.5 ~ -3.1°F
d. The "Clinical Bias" is
e. The "Limits of Agreement" is 0.98.
f. The "Repeatability" is
icon on the screen
4.1 After power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button, and press the "START" button one time for "Infrared thermometer" mode to see
display. In this mode, you can get the target surface temperature.
4.2 When you press the "START" button, you will get the real time temperature immediately. If you press and hold the "START" button, the reading of measu
be continuously updated.
4. Measuring surface temperature:
4.3 Applications include temperature measurements for water, milk, cloth, skin or other objects.
4.1 After power on, press and hold the "ON/MEM" button, and press the "START" button one time for "Infrared thermometer" mo
* Note: This mode shows the actual and unadjusted surface temperature which is different from the body temperature.
display. In this mode, you can get the target surface temperature.
4.2 When you press the "START" button, you will get the real time temperature immediately. If you press and hold the "START"
be continuously updated.
5.1 Device will automatically shut off if left idle for more than 1 minute to extend battery life.
4.3 Applications include temperature measurements for water, milk, cloth, skin or other objects.
5.2 Manually power off the device by pressing the "ON/MEM" button.
* Note: This mode shows the actual and unadjusted surface temperature which is different from the body temperatu
Please make sure the probe is clean to ensure an accurate reading.
5. Power off:
The probe lens is the most delicate part of the thermometer. Use with care when cleaning the probe lens to avoid damag
5.1 Device will automatically shut off if left idle for more than 1 minute to extend battery life.
a. Use alcohol swabs or cotton swabs moistened with 70%~75% alcohol to clean the probe lens.
5.2 Manually power off the device by pressing the "ON/MEM" button.
b. Allow the probe to fully dry for at least 1 minute.
Important Notes
c. Keep the unit dry and away from any liquids and direct sunlight.
d. Storage temperature range: It should be stored at room temperature between -4~122°F (-20~+50°C), RH ≦ 85%
e. The Probe should not be submerged into liquids.
Holding the thermometer too long may cause a higher ambient temperature reading of the probe.
This could make the body temperature measurement lower than usual.
And Storage
When the "Low Battery" icon indicates the battery is low, the battery should be replaced immediately with AAA *2 pcs batteries.
1. Open the battery cover: Use the thumbs to push battery cover out. (See Figure 1)
2. Insert the new AAA *2 pcs batteries. (See Figure 2)
3. Replace the battery cover. (See Figure 3)
Battery replacement
Figure 1
Error Message
Error 5~9, the system is not functioning properly.
Measurement before device stabilization.
Trouble shooting:
Error Message
The ambient temperature is not within the range between 50
Fahrenheit, the Memory will be cleared.
icon flashing, the device will
be power off WITHOUT setting Mute.
smetta di lampeggiare prima di passare alla misurazione
icon stop flashing to be ready for next measurement.
(-1.4 ~ -1.7 ° C).
Points for attention:
(0.20 ° C)
a. Forehead temperature is displayed in oral mode. This mode converts the forehead temperature to display its "oral-equivalent" value.
b. Before the measurement, the subject should stay in a stable environment for 5 minutes and avoid exercise, bath for 30mins.
c. Remember to keep the forehead area clean and away from sweat, cosmetics and scar while taking temperature.
-2.5 ~ -3.1°F
d. The "Clinical Bias" is
(-1.4 ~ -1.7 ° C).
e. The "Limits of Agreement" is 0.98.
f. The "Repeatability" is
(0.20 ° C)
Please make sure the probe is clean to ensure an accurate reading.
The probe lens is the most delicate part of the thermometer. Use with care when cleaning the
a. Use alcohol swabs or cotton swabs moistened with 70%~75% alcohol to clean the probe le
icon on your LCD
b. Allow the probe to fully dry for at least 1 minute.
In questa modalità, è possibile leggere la temperatura
c. Keep the unit dry and away from any liquids and direct sunlight.
d. Storage temperature range: It should be stored at room temperature between -4~122°F (-20
e. The Probe should not be submerged into liquids.
Holding the thermometer too long may cause a higher ambient temperature reading of the pro
This could make the body temperature measurement lower than usual.
When the "Low Battery" icon indicates the battery is low, the battery should be replaced immediately wit
1. Open the battery cover: Use the thumbs to push battery cover out. (See Figure 1)
2. Insert the new AAA *2 pcs batteries. (See Figure 2)
3. Replace the battery cover. (See Figure 3)
Figure 2
Figure 1
Error 5~9, the system is not functioning properly.
icon flashing, the device will
will flash on
will flash on
icon flashing, the device will
icon flashing, the device will
avrà lampeggiato, il
will flash on
icon flashing, the device will
Figure 2
Figure 3
Unload the battery, wait for 1 minute and repower it. If the m
Figure 2
reappears, contact the retailer for service.
Wait for "Er1" to disappear.
Allow the thermometer to rest in a room for at least 15 minut
F (10
temperature: 50
will flash on
will flash on
Figure 1
Figure 1
Figure 1
icon on the screen
icon on the sc
icon on your L
Figure 3
Unload the battery, wait for 1
F (10

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