Paint Black : Setting Of Paint Black (Color Level Of R, G, And B Can Be Separately Varied); White Shading : Setting Of White Shading Correction; Dnr : Setting Of Noise Reduction; Data Bit : Setting Of Output Bit Depth - Hitachi HV-F130SCL Operation Manual

3ccd color camera
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9.12 PAINT BLACK : Setting of paint black (color level of R, G, and B can be separately varied).

-MODE- : Selection of mode
OFF (Factory setting)
-RED- : Adjust red color level
0 (Factory setting) to 127 : Adjust red color level in 128 steps.
-GRREN- : Adjust green color level
0 (Factory setting) to 127 : Adjust green color level in 128 steps.
-BLUE- : Adjust blue color level
0 (Factory setting) to 127 : Adjust blue color level in 128 steps.

9.13 WHITE SHADING : Setting of white shading correction.

There is a possibility that a camera makes an irregular color occur to an output picture by the picture taking environment.
Lighting, the lens and a built-in prism will be a factor of the irregular color. Therefore this camera has the white shading
function to reduce an irregular color. The zoom position and an iris value of the lens with the lighting blotches change an
irregular color, so before carrying out white shading, it should be decided.
-MODE- : Selection of mode
OFF (Factory setting)
-ADJUST- (ONCE AUTO) : AUTO SHADING (A data to correct white shading is generated.)
Don't execute in whole usual picture taking! Unnecessary correction data causes a phenomenon like branding.
When was executing by mistake, please reexecute with a procedure and make it right correction data.
Please build the taking picture environment first. (Lighting, the field angle and the iris value)
Please take a picture of the object by which all output pictures will be in uniform white.
Please, make a defocus for flat picture without little detail. And use a shutter for an output level 80% ~ 60% (200~150
digits on the 8bit depth).
Please adjust a white balance first.
Set SHADING MODE ON and carry out AUTO SHADING. Thus, color shading in the image is corrected

9.14 DNR : Setting of noise reduction.

OFF (Factory setting)

9.15 DATA BIT : Setting of output bit depth

24bit (Factory setting)

9.16 OUTPUT : Setting of output signal from 10 pin of 12 pin DCIN/SYNC connector

- SIGNAL - : Selection of signal form
OFF (Factory setting)
-POLARITY- : Selection of signal polarity of FLASH
POSITIVE (Factory setting) : Output High active signal.
: Not use paint black functions.
: Use paint black functions.
: Not perform white shading correction.
: Perform white shading correction.
: Not perform noise reduction.
: Noise reduction function reduces the noise of image.
: Configuration is set to Base configuration. Image is outputted by RGB 24 bit.
: Configuration is set to Medium configuration. Image is outputted by RGB 30 bit.
: Configuration is set to Medium configuration. Image is outputted by RGB 36 bit.
: No output.
: Output flash pulse (strobe out).
: Output camera VD.
: Output Low active signal.


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