Knee : Setting Of Knee; Lut : Setting Of Look Up Table; Sharpness : Setting Of Object Contour Correction; White Balance : Setting Of White Balance - Hitachi HV-F130SCL Operation Manual

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9.7 KNEE : Setting of KNEE

-MODE- : Selection of mode
OFF (Factory setting)
-KNEE POINT- : Adjust knee point
0 (Factory setting) to 32
-KNEE SLOPE- : Adjust knee slope
0 (Factory setting) to 159 : Setting value toward 0 side intensify effective of knee and 159 side weaken effective of knee.

9.8 LUT : Setting of Look Up Table

This function converts input video level to arbitary output level by using table data.
TABLE XXX[n] (XXX=RED, GREEN or BLUE; "n" indicates the input video level) is a table with 0 to 255 elements
corresponding to input video level (0% to 100%).
The input video level "n" is converted to the output level specified by TABLE XXX[n].
-MODE- : Selection of mode
OFF (Factory setting)
:The output image is converted by the values which is set in TABLE RED/TABLE GREEN/TABLE BLUE.
-TABLE RED [n]- : 256 LUTs for Red (n is table number and that was chosen from the input level).
0 to 255
: The input level "n" is converted to the set value.
Factory setting is the same value to input video level "n". (TABLE RED[n] = n.)
-TABLE GREEN [n]- : 256 LUTs for Green (n is table number and that was chosen from the input level).
0 to 255
: The input level "n" is converted to the set value.
Factory setting is the same value to input video level "n". (TABLE GREEN[n] = n.)
-TABLE BLUE [n]- : 256 LUTs for Blue (n is table number and that was chosen from the input level).
0 to 255
: The input level "n" is converted to the set value.
Factory setting is the same value to input video level "n". (TABLE BLUE[n] = n.)

9.9 SHARPNESS : Setting of object contour correction

-MODE- : Selection of mode
OFF (Factory setting)
-LEVEL- : Adjust sharpness level
0 to 255

9.10 WHITE BALANCE : Setting of white balance.

-MODE- : Selection of mode
MANUAL (Factory setting) : White balance is adjusted manually by adjusting R GAIN and B GAIN.
-R GAIN- : Adjust red gain
0 to 255
-B GAIN- : Adjust blue gain
0 to 255
: Not perform knee.
: Knee function provides natural gradation in bright portions.
: Setting value toward 0 side increase start level of knee and 32 side decrease start level of
: Not use the function of LUT.
: Not perform contour correction.
: Perform contour correction according to setting value.
: Setting value toward 0 side reduces correction for soft contours and 255 side increase
correction for sharper contours (Factory setting: 0).
: White balance is adjusted in real time (automatic tracking).
: White balance is adjusted automatically by adjusting R GAIN and B GAIN.
And after adjustment, own status will be changed to MANUAL.
: Red gain is reduced at 0 side and raised at 255 side (Factory setting is 128).
: Blue gain is reduced at 0 side and raised at 255 side (Factory setting is 128).


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