Safety Precautions - Toshiba BCN002Z Instruction Manual

Toshiba tosvert vf-fs1 series bacnet option unit instruction manual
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Safety precautions

On the inverter and in its instruction manual, important information is contained for preventing
injuries to users, damages to assets, and for proper use of the device.
Read the instruction manual attached to the inverter along with this instruction manual to
completely understand the safety precautions, the symbols and indications shown below. Please
adhere to the contents of these manuals at all times.
Explanation of markings
Indicates that errors in operation may lead to death or serious injury.
Indicates that errors in operation may lead to injury (*1) to people or that these errors may
cause damage to physical property. (*2)
(*1) Such things as injury, burns or shock that will not require hospitalization or long periods of
outpatient treatment.
(*2) Physical property damage refers to wide-ranging damage to assets and materials.
Meanings of symbols
Indicates prohibition (Do not do it).
What is prohibited will be described in or near the symbol in either text or picture form.
Indicates something mandatory (must be done).
What is mandatory will be described in or near the symbol in either text or picture
Indicates danger.
What is dangerous will be described in or near the symbol in either text or picture
Indicates warning.
What the warning should be applied to will be described in or near the symbol in either
text or picture form.
Meaning of marking
Meaning of marking
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