5. Replace V-belt on the top housing to ensure power transferring
6. Check all function on the machine, ie, automatic downfeed, spindle
RPM, etc., to ensure machine's workabilit y.
7. Clean all leadscrews, and replace with new lubricant.
8. Remove all gibs, clean, and re -install them to original specification.
9. Check leveling and adjust the machine to maintain machine's
7-10-5. Points to watch on doing maintenance
1. All scheduled maintenance must be exercised and recorded.
2. During mechanical maintenance such as gibs adjustment, etc., all
power supply must be shut-off to prevent accidental injury.
3. When opening and inspecting electric cabinet, operation and control
panel, power sources must be turn or shut off to prevent accidental
4. In any unable maintenance situation, please contact authorized
distributor or manufacturer.
5. Before doing any maintenance work, maint enance personnel must
concur with operation manual to observe safety precaution. This is
to reduce accidental injury.
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