Smoke Alarm Verification; Function Keys; 1: Recording An F-Key Macro; 2: Aborting An F-Key Macro Recording Session - Honeywell 6808 Installation And Operation Manual

Addressable fire alarm control panel
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System Operation

10.7 Smoke Alarm Verification

Figure 10.7 illustrates how the Smoke Alarm Verification cycle operates.
During the Confirmation Period if there is no alarm indication then the system will return to normal operation.

10.8 Function Keys

The function keys (on 6860 only) have multiple features. Their macro key functionality can simplify the disabling, activating, or inhibit-
ing points or groups respectively. They can also be used as a status type activation event and for activating Map Inhibit. Each F-Key
macro can hold 50 events.
To access the F-Key Recording menu:
From the idle screen, press and hold the F-Key for 5 seconds.
Enter a PIN with F-Key macro recording privileges, if prompted.
10.8.1 Recording an F-Key Macro
Access the F-Key Recording menu and select the 'Start F-KEY Recording' option.
The panel will return to the idle screen. Notice the 4th line on the display now alternates with <F# Key Recording>, where # is the
number of the F-Key being recorded.
Any Disabling or Activating of points, output groups, or templates from the site at this point will be programmed into the macro.
Do this by going to any annunciator within the site and entering Main Menu -> Point Functions and use Disable/Enable Point or use
I/O Point Control to: disable output groups or individual points, or activate individual points.
Once you are finished with disabling or activating points/output groups, enter the F-Key Recording Menu again and select the 'End
F-KEY Recording' option.
The panel will return to the idle screen.
10.8.2 Aborting an F-Key Macro Recording Session
After an F-Key macro recording session has been started, the session can be canceled at any time by accessing the F-Key Recording
menu and selecting 'Abort FKEY Recording' option.
The panel will return to the idle screen.
10.8.3 Erasing an F-Key Macro
If an F-Key macro has already been recorded, you can erase it by accessing the F-Key Recording menu and selecting the 'Erase F-
KEY Macro' option.
The panel will return to the idle screen.
10.8.4 Using a Recorded F-Key Macro
From the idle screen on any annunciator in the site, press the F-Key you want to activate.
Once finished, to de-activate the macro press the F-Key again.
10.8.5 F-Key Status Event
When an F-Key is enabled, it activates its corresponding F-Key Active event. This is a status type event that can activate outputs without
showing any status on annunciator displays. This should be used for ancillary purposes only.
Figure 10.7 Smoke Verification Cycle
6808 Manual — P/N LS10146-001SK-E:C 09/28/2017


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