Camera Link™ Reference, Timing, And Configuration Table - Dalsa Piranha HS Series User Manual

High sensitivity line scan ccd camera
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Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Camera Link™ Reference,
Timing, and Configuration Table
Cam era Link is a com m u nication interface for vision applications. It provid es a
connectivity stand ard betw een cam eras and fram e grabbers. A stand ard cable connection
w ill red u ce m anu factu rers' su pport tim e and greatly red u ce the level of com plexity and
tim e need ed for cu stom ers to su ccessfu lly integrate high speed cam eras w ith fram e
grabbers. This is particu larly relevant as signal and d ata transm issions increase both in
com plexity and throu ghpu t. A stand ard cable/ connector assem bly w ill also enable
cu stom ers to take ad vantage of volu m e pricing, thu s red u cing costs.
The cam era link stand ard is intend ed to be extrem ely flexible in ord er to m eet the need s
of d ifferent cam era and fram e grabber m anu factu rers.
The Teled yne DALSA Cam era Link Im plem entation Road Map (available from the
Know led ege Center
stand ard izes its u se of the Cam era Link interface.
LVDS Technical Description
Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) is a high speed , low pow er, general pu rpose
interface stand ard . The stand ard , know n as AN SI/ TIA/ EIA-644, w as approved in March
1996. LVDS u ses d ifferential signaling, w ith a nom inal signal sw ing of 350m V d ifferential.
The low signal sw ing d ecreases rise and fall tim es to achieve a theoretical m axim u m
transm ission rate of 1.923 Gbps into a loss-less m ed iu m . The low signal sw ing also m eans
that the stand ard is not d epend ent on a particu lar su pply voltage. LVDS u ses cu rrent -
m od e d rivers, w hich lim it pow er consu m ption. The d ifferential signals are im m u ne to ±1
V com m on volt noise.
Camera Signal Requirements
This section provid es d efinitions for the signals u sed in the Cam era Link interface. The
stand ard Cam era Link cable provid es cam era control signals, serial com m u nication, and
vid eo d ata.
Video Data
The Channel Link technology is integral to the tra nsm ission of vid eo d ata. Im age d ata and
im age enable signals are transm itted on the Channel Link bu s. Fou r enable signals are
d efined as:
• FVAL—Fram e Valid (FVAL) is d efined H IGH for valid lines.
• LVAL—Line Valid (LVAL) is d efined H IGH for valid pixels.
Teledyne DALSA
All manuals and user guides at
on Teled yne DALSA w ebsite) d etails how Teled yne DALSA
Appendix B

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