Height-Adjustable Seat Post; Adjusting The Seat Position - Bosch Bulls Cross Lite Evo Operating Instructions Manual

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 Set the seat post at the required height.
Crash caused by an excessively high seat post
A seat post with is set too high will cause the seat
post or the frame to break. This will cause a crash
with injuries.
 Do not pull the seat post out of the frame
beyond the minimum insertion depth marking.
Figure 49: Detailed view of the seat post – examples of the
minimum insertion depth marking
 To close it, push the seat post clamping lever as
far as it will go into the seat post.
 Check the clamping force of quick releases. Height-adjustable seat post

Only applies to pedelecs with this equipment
When using your seat post for the first time, you
must give it a firm push downwards to set it in
motion. This is due to the natural tendency of the
seal to repel oil from the seal surface. You only
need to do this before the first use or after a
longer period of non-use. Once you have
displaced the post through its deflection, the oil
spreads on the seal and the post begins to
function normally.
Figure 50: The seat post activation lever can be installed
either on the left (1) or the right (2) side of the handlebars
Lowering the saddle
 Release the lever once you have reached the
Raising the saddle
 Pull the seat post activation level.
 Remove any pressure on the saddle and Adjusting the seat position

The saddle can be shifted on the saddle frame.
The right horizontal position ensures an optimal
leverage position for legs. This prevents knee
pain and painful incorrect pelvis positions. If you
have displaced the saddle more than 10 mm, you
then need to adjust the saddle height again since
both settings affect one another.
 Climb onto the bicycle.
 Place the pedals into the vertical position
 The rider is sitting in the optimal sitting position
Figure 51: Knee cap perpendicular line
To lower the saddle, press your hand down on the
saddle or sit on the saddle. Press the seat post
activation lever and hold it down.
required height.
release the lever once you have reached the
required height.
To adjust the seat position safely, either push the
pedelec near to a wall, so that you can lean on the
wall to support yourself or ask another person to
hold the pedelec for you.
(3 o'clock position) with your feet.
if the knee cap perpendicular line runs through
the pedal axle. If the perpendicular line crosses
behind the pedal, bring the saddle forward. If
the perpendicular line crosses in front of the
pedal, bring the saddle back. Move the saddle
within its permitted displacement range only
(marked on the saddle stay).

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