When using the same heel-up technique,
there is also a style of playing called
"open sound" which keeps the beater from
resting on the drum head. However, it is
hard to keep your balance playing in this
difficult style, so we will not go into it here.
Playing the Cymbals
《 Hi-hat 》
・ Position yourself as pictured above with the
sticks crossed over each other. Your right
hand plays the hi-hat while your left hand
plays the snare below it.
・ L e f t - h a n d e d d r u m m e r s m a y p o s i t i o n
themselves without crossing the sticks so
that the left hand plays the hi-hat and the
right hand plays the snare.
《 Ride cymbal 》
・ Position your right hand to play the ride
cymbal and your left hand to play the snare.
・ The cymbal should be set up so that the
striking surface is at the same angle as the
stick when playing this way.
《 Crash cymbal 》
The ride cymbal is usually played using the tip
of the stick (page 9), but the crash cymbal is
hit with the shoulder of the stick. Setting up the
crash cymbal a little higher than the ride cymbal
will make for easier playing.