Toyota CAMRY HV Manual page 281

Table of Contents


●In the following situations the system may not be able to correctly detect the
surrounding brightness level. This may cause the low beams to remain on
or the high beams to flash or dazzle pedestrians or vehicles ahead. In such
a case, it is necessary to manually switch between the high and low beams.
• When driving in inclement weather (heavy rain, snow, fog, sandstorms,
• When the windshield is obscured by fog, mist, ice, dirt, etc.
• When the windshield is cracked or damaged
• When the camera sensor is deformed or dirty
• When the temperature of the camera sensor is extremely high
• When the surrounding brightness level is equal to that of headlights, tail
lights or fog lights
• When headlights or tail lights of vehicles ahead are turned off, dirty,
changing color, or not aimed properly
• When the vehicle is hit by water, snow, dust, etc. from a preceding vehi-
• When driving through an area of intermittently changing brightness and
• When frequently and repeatedly driving ascending/descending roads, or
roads with rough, bumpy or uneven surfaces (such as stone-paved
roads, gravel roads, etc.)
• When frequently and repeatedly taking curves or driving on a winding
• When there is a highly reflective object ahead of the vehicle, such as a
sign or mirror
• When the back of a preceding vehicle is highly reflective, such as a con-
tainer on a truck
• When the vehicle's headlights are damaged or dirty, or are not aimed
• When the vehicle is listing or titling due to a flat tire, a trailer being towed,
• When the headlights are changed between the high beams and low
beams repeatedly in an abnormal manner
• When the driver believes that the high beams may be flashing or dazzling
pedestrians or other drivers
• When the vehicle is used in an area in which vehicles travel on the oppo-
site side of the road of the country for which the vehicle was designed, for
example using a vehicle designed for right-hand traffic in a left-hand traf-
fic area, or vice versa
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers


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