Action 6 - How To Check Edited Programs; Action 7 - How To Edit A Program; Action 8 - Ending A Job - Pepperl+Fuchs 2/209 Manual

Trip amplifier
Table of Contents


Trip Amplifier 2/209
Handling with a PC
Action 6 – How to check edited programs
Alterations should be saved as explained in action 5.

Action 7 - How to edit a program

This task will not have to be undertaken very often. You should have prior programming
experience before attempting it.

Action 8 - Ending a job

Load parameters from file.
Enter the desired file name or
load parameters from the trip amplifier.
Data are now accessible.
Check the program. Changes can now be made immediately.
Use the tabulator <TAB> key to move to the programming step
which is to be altered and overwrite with the new command.
Check constants. Changes can now be made immediately. Use
the tabulator <TAB> key to move to the constant which is to be
altered and overwrite with the new value.
Call the editor.
Enter the name of the FILE to be edited. Existing programs can
be altered using the editor or new programs can be established.
<F1> offers extensive HELP during an EDIT session. Program
examples are to be found in the DEMO directory under
DEMOE.EDT ... or in directory STD under STD_1.EDT ...
Comments must be preceded by ";".
Once a program has been established it must pass the
compiler. Only then will you have an executable program which
can be transferred to the trip amp using action 5.
Remove the connector cable from the PCs serial data link.
Place jumper MODE in position 3-6 (run mode).


Table of Contents

Table of Contents