Agilent Technologies Agilent 1260 Infinity System User's Manual page 132

Binary lc
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Setting Up a Method using Edit Entire Method
The Edit Integration Events screen has two tables:
• Initial Events For All Signals contains events (integration parameters) that
• Specific Events For Signal contains events which are specific for one type
Lines such as Integration OFF/ON are added to the table using the icons at
the top of the window.
Click OK to exit and the next screen in the Edit Entire Method process
will open.
apply to all signals acquired with the method,
of detector or specific to different signals from the same detector.
Key parameters in this table are:
Slope Sensitivity represents the slope and curvature of the baseline
needed to mark the start and end of a peak;
Peak Width: the width at half- height of the narrowest peak of interest
should be entered. This helps the integrator to distinguish between
noise and very small peaks;
Area Reject / Height Reject values that control rejection from the results
of peaks whose area or height falls below these values;
Integration OFF/ON suppresses integration between set limits. Almost
always used to inhibit integration in the region from injection to
solvent front or unretained peak marker.
1260 Infinity Binary LC - System User Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents