ABB DG/S 1.1 Product Manual page 63

I-bus eib / knx dali-gateway
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ABB i-bus
Functional description
Device xy Switch/Status [EIS 1; 1-bit switching]: With this object, the 64 DALI devices of
channel A are switched on or off individually via a communications object using the
predefined brightness values ("Devices" parameter window). The ON/OFF status of the
device is sent simultaneously via the object value if it is enabled in the "Device Status"
parameter window. If it is necessary to read the object value, the "read flag" must be set
Telegram value
"1": On
"0": Off
When an ON telegram is received, the parameter settings specify if a predefined brightness
value or the value before switching off are set. The parameterised brightness value of the
switch ON value is set if the channel is switched on with any brightness value and it then
receives an ON telegram "1".
Switch ON values which are greater than or less than the max. or min. values will not be set,
but rather the parameterised max. or min. value. Parameters can be used to set whether the
brightness value is dimmed or immediately applied.
The sending of the status value can be delayed if the status of the device is changed via
another function, with the exception of the "Switch/Status" object (e.g. channel objects). In
this case, a change will be detected during an automatic cyclic scan of the 64 devices. The
changed status will only be sent at this point. This delay time (can take more than 90
seconds) is dependent on the number of devices and the functions currently implemented.
Relative Dimming
Device xy Relative Dimming [EIS 2; 4-bit dimming]: With this object, the relative dimming
value telegram for one of the 64 devices of channel A is individually sent. After a start
command is received, the brightness is changed in the defined direction with the
parameterised speed. If a stop command is received before the end of the dimming process,
the dimming process is interrupted and the brightness value achieved is retained.
Because of the relatively low DALI transmission speeds, a correspondingly slow dimming
speed must be selected with larger EIB / KNX groups (more than 7 devices) in order to
guarantee uniform dimming of all DALI devices in the group.
Dimming values which are greater than or less than the max. or min. values will not be set,
the parameterised max. or min. values are retained when dimming is continued.
"Stepwise dimming" which is rarely used in the EIB / KNX due to the DALI functionality and
the number of devices is only supported under certain conditions. Different brightness values
may occur in a group of DALI devices.
Brightness value/Status
Device xy Brightness value/Status [EIS 6; 1-byte value]: The defined brightness value for
one of the 64 devices of channel A is received via this object. It can be set via parameters
whether to dim or jump to the brightness value. A telegram with the value "0" switches off the
channel. Brightness values which are greater than or less than the maximum or minimum
value are not set, rather the corresponding max. or min. value is set.
Telegram value
"0": Off
"1": Minimum physical brightness
"255" = 100%
Note: In the DALI command code, the value 255 means no change in brightness. The
maximum brightness level (100%) in DALI is 254. A 100 % brightness value of 255 via
EIB / KNX is automatically transformed to 254 in the DALI-Gateway. This fact is also taken
into consideration when reading out a brightness value. A maximum DALI value of 254 is
transformed on the EIB / KNX to 255.
Object name
Data type
Device Axy
1 bit (EIS 1)
DPT 1.001
XY = 01 ... 64
Device Axy
4 bit (EIS 2)
DPT 3.007
XY = 01 ... 64
Device Axy
8 bit (EIS 6)
DPT 5.001
XY = 01 ... 64
C, W, T
C, W
C, W

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