Benefits Of Columns Packed With Sub-2-Micron Particles - Agilent Technologies 1290 Infinity LC System System Manual And Quick Reference

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Introduction to Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Benefits of Columns Packed With Sub-2-micron Particles

Benefits of Columns Packed With Sub-2-micron Particles
Faster Chromatography
There are several advantages of having shorter run times. High Throughput
labs now have higher capacity and can analyze more samples in less time.
More samples in less time also means lower costs. For example, by reducing
the analysis time from 20 min per sample to 5 min, the cost for 700 samples is
reduced by 79 %
Table 1
Cycle time
Approx. costs/analysis
Approx. cost/700runs
Cost savings
The Agilent cost savings calculator provides an easy way to calculate the cost
savings by switching from conventional HPLC to UHPLC using 1.8 µm particle
size columns. This calculator is available on the Agilent Technologies web site
along with a method translator calculator – The
results are presented graphically and in tabular form.
Shorter run times also deliver faster answers. This is important in process
control and rapid release testing. Instead of waiting hours to release a single
batch of a drug, all the system suitability, calibration and sample analysis can
now be done in less than an hour. Rapid answers are also important for
synthetic chemists using open access LC/MS systems for compound
confirmation and reaction control. Shorter run times can also accelerate the
method development process significantly.
(Table 1
Time and cost savings over 700 runs
solvents = $ 27/l, disposal = $ 2/l, labor = $ 30/h
24 hours/day
on page 14).
20 min cycle time
$ 10.58
$ 7400
10 days
Agilent 1290 Infinity LC System Manual and Quick Reference
5 min cycle time
$ 2.24
$ 1570
$ 5830
2.5 days


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