Running The Method For A Single Injection - Agilent Technologies 1290 Infinity LC System System Manual And Quick Reference

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Quick Start Guide
Data Acquisition in Method and Run Control View

Running the Method for a Single Injection

This section shows how to run a single injection of the test mix using the
conditions entered in the previous section.
Analyses on the ChemStation can be run in two modes:
• Run Method — single injections, for example, in interactive method
• Run Sequence — automated series of injections from multiple vials, possibly
1 Click the Select Run Method Task icon
2 If required method conditions are not currently loaded, select Method > Load
If changes have been made to a loaded method and not yet saved, this is indicated by a
yellow asterisk on the method status icon. The injection can be made without first saving
those parameters changes. The ChemStation always stores a copy of the acquisition
parameters in the data file as ACQ.TXT to ensure the preservation of the original method
3 Place the sample vial in position 1 — this is the front position of the 10 x
4 Select Run Control > Sample Info, and enter a Subdirectory name (optional),
5 If the system is already equilibrated and the baseline is stable, click Run
6 The injection is made, and the chromatogram appears in the Online Plot. The
development, using the parameter settings current at the time;
with multiple methods. For further details refer to the ChemStation
Method or the icon
2 ml vial positions on the right hand side of the sample tray.
Filename, Sample Location (
vial 1), Sample Name and any Comment.
Method in the Sample Info page to start the injection. Alternatively, click OK,
and when ready, click the Start Single Sample button above the system
data acquisition will stop when the Stop Time is reached.
The chromatogram should look similar to
axis will be longer, however, as this was run under four times faster
conditions in the next section.
under the menu bar to load them.
Agilent 1290 Infinity LC System Manual and Quick Reference
Figure 33
on page 101 — the time


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