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Roof load, included in the carrier.
Exceeding the maximum authorised weight
and the load on the axles could cause
damage to the vehicle, accidents and seri-
ous injuries.
The real load on the axles should never
exceed the maximum permitted.
The load and its distribution in the vehicle
have effects on the vehicle handling and
the braking ability. Always drive at a suita-
ble speed.
Distribute the load as uniformly and as low
down on the vehicle as possible. When
transporting heavy objects in the luggage
compartment, these should be placed as
far forward as possible or over the rear axle
to have as little influence on handling as
Fuel consumption
Approved consumption values are derived
from measurements performed or supervised
by certified EU laboratories, according to the
legislation in force at the time (for more infor-
mation, see the Publications Office of the Eu-
ropean Union on the EUR-Lex website: © Eu-
Technical data
ropean Union, and
apply to the specified vehicle characteristics.
The values relating to fuel consumption and
emissions can be found in the documen-
tation provided to the purchaser of the vehi-
cle at the time of purchase.
Fuel consumption and CO
emissions de-
pend on the equipment/features of each indi-
vidual vehicle, as well as on the driving style,
road conditions, traffic conditions, environ-
mental conditions, load or number of passen-
In practice, and considering all the factors
mentioned here, consumption values can
differ from those calculated in the current
European regulations.


Tyre pressure, snow chains and
wheel bolts
Tyre pressure
The sticker with the tyre pressure values can
be found on the back of the left front door
209. The tyre pressure values
given there are for cold tyres. Do not reduce
the slightly raised pressures of warm tyres
Snow chains
Snow chains may be fitted only to the front
Consult section
page 42, Snow
Wheel bolts
After the wheels have been changed, the
tightening torque of the wheel bolts should
be checked as soon as possible with a torque
. The tightening torque for steel
and alloy wheels is 110 Nm.
Check the tyre pressure at least once per
month. Checking the tyre pressure is very
important. If the tyre pressure is too high or
too low, there is an increased danger of ac-
cidents - particularly at high speeds.
If the tightening torque of the wheel bolts
is too low, they could loosen while the vehi-
cle is in motion. Risk of accident! If the
tightening torque is too high, the wheel
bolts and threads can be damaged.
We recommend that you ask your Techni-
cal Service for information about appropri-
ate wheel, tyre and snow chain size.

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