Table of Contents



3.1 Glossary

Operator: qualified individual, in charge of using the device/tool.
Machine/device/tool: the product purchased.
Workplace: the place where the operator must carry out her/his
3.2 Operator Safety Regulations
3.2.1 General Safety Regulations
The operator must be completely clear-headed and sober when
using the device; taking drugs or alcohol before or when operating
the device is strictly forbidden.
The operator must not smoke during device operation.
The operator must carefully read all the information and
instructions in the technical documents provided with the device.
The operator must follow all the instructions provided in the
technical documents.
The operator must always watch over the device during the various
operating phases.
The operator must make sure she/he is working in environment
which is suitable for the operations that must be carried out.
The operator must report any faults or potentially hazardous
situation in connection with the workplace or the device.
The operator must carefully follow the safety regulations required
for the workplace in which she/he is working and required by the
operations she/he has been asked to carry out.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents