Slow Stirring
- Stirring slowly
- Combining or mashing
- Starting all mixing procedures if Splash Guard
is not in place
- Adding flour and dry or solid ingredients to batter
- Adding liquids to dry ingredients
- Combining heavy mixtures
Slow Mixing,
- Slow mixing, mashing, faster stirring
Faster Stirring
- Mix heavy batters and candies
- Start mashing potatoes, other vegetables
- Cut shortening into flour
- Mix thin or splashy batters
- Mix and knead yeast dough
Medium Mixing,
- Mixing semi-heavy batter (cookies)
Medium Beating
- Combine sugar and shortening
- Add sugar to egg whites for meringues
- Medium cake mix speed
- Medium fast beating (creaming) or whipping
6- 7
(Medium Fast
- Finish mixing cake, doughnut, or other batters
- High cake mix speed
- Whipping cream, egg whites, and broiled frostings
(Rapid Beating)
Rapid Whipping
- Whipping small amounts of cream or egg whites
- Under heavy load the Mixer may not maintain fast speeds.
- Excessive speed when preparing yeast dough may damage Mixer.
FLAT BEATER – For normal to heavy mixtures such as
cakes, cookies, quick breads, creamed frostings, pie pastry,
meat loaf, candies, biscuits, mashed potatoes.
WIRE WHISK – For mixtures that need to have air
incorporated such as eggs, boiled frostings, egg whites,
sponge cakes, heavy cream, angel food cakes.
DOUGH HOOK – For mixing and kneading yeast doughs
to make breads, coffee cakes cookies, rolls, buns.
The recommended speed setting for kneading dough is
4 or below.
EGG SEPARATOR – For separating egg yolks and whites.
Lay the cupped base of the separator into the Easy Pour
funnel. Steady separator by holding onto handle.
Pour egg through separator to allow egg white to pass into
mixer bowl.
GRATER – For grating items like vegetables, spices or
chocolate into mixer. Lay the cupped base of the grater
into the Easy Pour funnel. Steady grater by holding handle.
Grate carrot across top of grater into mixer bowl.
BOWL LID – Fits snugly onto top of bowl to secure
contents after mixing.
360 SPLASH GUARD – When used, completely encloses
bowl rim to prevent ingredients from splashing out during
mixer operation.
EASY POUR FUNNEL – Inserts into the Mixer Funnel on the
top of the mixer. The Easy Pour Funnel is removable for
convenient cleaning, and using it helps keep the Mixer
Funnel surfaces free of ingredient residue.