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Kenwood TK3000 User Quick Reference Manual page 3

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in areas with an ambient temperature of –10°C and lower,
operating time may be shortened.
◆ Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects of
battery pack disposal.
Charging slot
Channel selector
It takes approximately 3 hours to charge the battery pack.
Rotate to change the operating channel.
When the charger will not be used for a long time, unplug
If your dealer has set the [S-Selector] function,
the AC adapter from the AC outlet.
rotate the Channel selector and select the "S"
position to begin scanning.
LED indicator
◆ When an abnormality occurs during charging, the indicator
Refer to the LED Indicator Status table.
performs as follows:
Blinks red: The battery pack is either defective or the battery
Power switch/ Volume control
pack contacts are not properly mated with those of the charger.
Turn clockwise to switch the transceiver ON. To switch the
Alternates flashing green and orange: The battery pack
transceiver OFF, turn counterclockwise until a click sounds.
has not satisfied the charging start temperature. Remove the
Rotate to adjust the volume level.
battery pack from the charger and wait until it reaches a normal
PTT (Push to Talk) switch
temperature before charging it again.
Press and hold, then speak into the microphone to transmit.
◆ The ambient temperature should be between 5°C and 40°C
Side key
while charging is in progress. Charging outside this range may
Press to activate its programmable function.
not fully charge the battery.
◆ The battery pack life is over when its operating time decreases
Speaker/ microphone jacks
even though it is fully and correctly charged. Replace the battery
Insert the speaker/ microphone or headset plug into this
◆ While operating the transceiver using a Li-ion battery pack
in areas with an ambient temperature of –10°C and lower,
operating time may be shortened.
◆ Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects of
battery pack disposal.
Your dealer can program the Side key each with one of the
following functions.
■ None
No function has been programmed.
■ Autodial
DTMF Autodial allows you to make a private call to another
■ Monitor
Momentarily press this key to deactivate QT or DQT
signaling. Press the key again to return to normal operation.
■ Monitor Momentary
Press and hold this key to deactivate QT or DQT signaling.
Release the key to return to normal operation.
■ Scan
Press this key to start scanning the transceiver channels.
■ Squelch Off
Momentarily press this key to hear background noise. Press
the key again to return to normal operation.
Channel selector
■ Squelch Off Momentary
Rotate to change the operating channel.
Press and hold this key to hear background noise. Release
If your dealer has set the [S-Selector] function,
the key to return to normal operation.
rotate the Channel selector and select the "S"
position to begin scanning.
LED indicator
Refer to the LED Indicator Status table.
Power switch/ Volume control
1 Turn the Power switch/ Volume control clockwise to switch
Turn clockwise to switch the transceiver ON. To switch the
the transceiver power ON.
transceiver OFF, turn counterclockwise until a click sounds.
A beep sounds if enabled by your dealer.
Rotate to adjust the volume level.
2 Press the key programmed with the Monitor or Squelch
PTT (Push to Talk) switch
Off function to hear background noise, then rotate the
Press and hold, then speak into the microphone to transmit.
Power switch/ Volume control to adjust the volume.
Side key
3 Rotate the Channel selector to select your desired channel.
Press to activate its programmable function.
When you receive an appropriate signal, you will hear audio
Speaker/ microphone jacks
from the speaker.
Insert the speaker/ microphone or headset plug into this
4 To make a call, press and hold the PTT switch, then speak
into the microphone using your normal speaking voice.
Hold the microphone approximately 3 to 4 cm (1.5 inches)
from your lips.
Your dealer can program the Side key each with one of the
following functions.
■ None
No function has been programmed.
■ Autodial
DTMF Autodial allows you to make a private call to another
Kenwood TK3000 - Quick Reference Guide
■ Monitor
Momentarily press this key to deactivate QT or DQT
3 Slide a battery pack or a
transceiver equipped with a
battery pack into the charging
slot of the charger.
Make sure the metal
contacts of the battery pack
mate securely with the
charger terminals.
Battery Pack
The indicator lights red and
charging begins.
4 When charging is completed,
the indicator lights green.
Remove the battery pack
or the transceiver from the
charging slot of the charger.
Battery Pack
An error will occur when selecting the "10" ~ "S" positions.
7 Press and hold the Side key for 2 seconds to save the
A beep will sound.
8 Turn the transceiver power OFF and then ON again to
activate the new settings.
5 Release the PTT switch to receive.
Note: When the battery pack voltage becomes too low, transmission
VOX operation allows you to transmit hands-free. This feature
will stop and an alert tone will sound.
can be activated or deactivated by your dealer.
To activate VOX and set the VOX Gain level, perform the
LED Indicator Status
following steps:
1 Connect the headset to the transceiver .
Indicator Color
The VOX function does not activate when a headset is not
Lights red
connected to the accessory terminal of the transceiver.
Lights green
Receiving a call
2 Rotate the Channel selector to select any position other
than "S".
Alternates red and
VOX gain level adjustment mode
3 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the Side
key while turning the transceiver power ON.
Blinks red
Battery power is low while transmitting
4 Continue to hold the Side key until a beep sounds.
Blinks green
The LED indicator alternates between red and green.
5 Release the Side key.
6 Rotate the Channel selector clockwise to increase the
VOX gain level and counterclockwise to decrease the VOX
To adjust the Squelch Level, perform the following steps:
gain level.
1 Turn the transceiver power OFF.
The VOX Gain can be adjusted from levels 1 to 10 and OFF
(select the "11" ~ "S" position).
2 Rotate the Channel selector to select the "S" position.
While speaking into the transceiver, the LED will light
3 Press and hold the Side key while turning the transceiver
orange when you reach a VOX gain level that recognizes
power ON.
your voice.
4 Continue to hold the Side key until a beep sounds.
7 Press and hold the Side key for 2 seconds to save the
The LED indicator alternates between red and green.
5 Release the Side key.
A beep will sound.
6 Rotate the Channel selector clockwise to increase the
8 Turn the transceiver power OFF and then ON again to
Squelch level and counterclockwise to decrease the
activate VOX.
Squelch level.
Note: If a headset is connected to the transceiver while the VOX
The Squelch level can be adjusted from levels 1 to 9. The
function is switched ON and the VOX Gain level is configured to a
higher the level, the stronger the signals must be to receive.
higher, more sensitive level, louder received signals may cause the
An error will occur when selecting the "10" ~ "S" positions.
transceiver to start transmission.
7 Press and hold the Side key for 2 seconds to save the
A beep will sound.
8 Turn the transceiver power OFF and then ON again to
activate the new settings.
The Time-out Timer prevents callers from using a channel
for an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for the
duration programmed by your dealer (default is 1 minute),
transmission will stop and an alert tone will sound. To stop the
VOX operation allows you to transmit hands-free. This feature
tone, release the PTT switch.
can be activated or deactivated by your dealer.
To activate VOX and set the VOX Gain level, perform the
When activated by your dealer, the Battery Saver function
following steps:
decreases the amount of power used after no signal is present
1 Connect the headset to the transceiver .
and no operations are being performed for 5 seconds. When a
The VOX function does not activate when a headset is not
signal is received or an operation is performed, Battery Saver
connected to the accessory terminal of the transceiver.
turns off.
2 Rotate the Channel selector to select any position other
Note: While the Battery Saver is operating, the LED may flash
than "S".
green when receiving a QT/DQT signal which does not match the
3 With the transceiver power OFF, press and hold the Side
QT/DQT tone/code set up in your transceiver.
key while turning the transceiver power ON.
4 Continue to hold the Side key until a beep sounds.
The LED indicator alternates between red and green.
While operating the transceiver, the Low Battery Warning
5 Release the Side key.
sounds an alert tone every 30 seconds and the LED indicator
blinks red when the battery needs recharged or replaced.
6 Rotate the Channel selector clockwise to increase the
VOX gain level and counterclockwise to decrease the VOX
gain level.
When activated, BCL prevents you from interfering on a
The VOX Gain can be adjusted from levels 1 to 10 and OFF
channel that is already in use. Pressing the PTT switch will
(select the "11" ~ "S" position).
cause an alert tone to sound and the transceiver will not
While speaking into the transceiver, the LED will light
transmit. Release the PTT switch to stop the tone.
orange when you reach a VOX gain level that recognizes
your voice.
Note: Ask your dealer for an explanation on how BCL functions
when using QT or DQT signaling.
7 Press and hold the Side key for 2 seconds to save the
A beep will sound.
QT/ DQT is used to segregate talk groups, so users only hear
8 Turn the transceiver power OFF and then ON again to
calls from their own group.
activate VOX.
Note: If a headset is connected to the transceiver while the VOX
function is switched ON and the VOX Gain level is configured to a
higher, more sensitive level, louder received signals may cause the
transceiver to start transmission.
The Time-out Timer prevents callers from using a channel
for an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for the
duration programmed by your dealer (default is 1 minute),
transmission will stop and an alert tone will sound. To stop the
tone, release the PTT switch.

