General Safety Regulations; Glossary; Operator Safety Regulations; Risk Of Asphyxiation - TEXA eTRUCK Technical Manual

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3.1 Glossary

• Operator: qualified individual, in charge of using the device / tool.
• Equipment / device / tool: the purchased product.
• Workplace: the place where the operator must carry out her/his work.

3.2 Operator Safety Regulations

3.2.1 General Safety Regulations
• The operator must be completely clear-headed and sober when using the device;
taking drugs or alcohol before or when operating the device is strictly forbidden.
• The operator must not smoke during device operation.
• The operator must carefully read all the information and instructions in the
technical documents provided with the device.
• The operator must follow all the instructions provided in the technical documents.
• The operator must always watch over the device during the various operating
• The operator must make sure she/he is working in an environment which is
suitable for the operations that must be carried out.
• The operator must report any faults or potentially hazardous situation in
connection with the workplace or the device.
• The operator must carefully follow the safety regulations required for the
workplace in which she/he is working and required by the operations she/he has
been asked to carry out.

3.2.2 Risk of Asphyxiation

Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines, whether petrol or
diesel, are hazardous to your health and can cause serious harm to
your body.
Safety Precautions:
• The workplace must be equipped with an appropriate ventilation and air extraction
system and must be in compliance with standards according to current national
• Always activate the air extraction system when working in closed environments.

3.2.3 Risk of Impact and Crushing

The vehicles which are undergoing A/C system recharging operations
and the devices must be properly blocked using the specific
mechanical brakes/blocks while being serviced.


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