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Using Minihub Diagnostics In The Encore Multispan Software - Agilent Technologies Labware MiniHub Quick Manual


Using MiniHub Diagnostics in the Encore Multispan software

Using MiniHub Diagnostics in the Encore Multispan software
About MiniHub diagnostic tools
Initializing the MiniHub resource in Diagnostics
The Labware MiniHub diagnostics allows you to control the motions of the
device. You use the commands and parameters to troubleshoot problems.
The resource must be initialized before you can open the corresponding
Diagnostics dialog box. You can initialize the MiniHub resource from:
Workspaces page
Run page
Before you start
Ensure the following:
The correct workspace is displayed in the software and the resources have
been added to the workspace.
The MiniHub resource that you want to initialize has been configured.
Simulation is turned off. The simulation button in the upper right corner
of the Encore Multispan window should display Simulate is Off
Initializing the MiniHub resource from the Workspaces page
To initialize the MiniHub Resource:
In the Encore Multispan Workspaces page, click Initialize & Teach.
Labware MiniHub Quick Guide

