Overview; Installation - Asus PCI-SIU2 User Manual

Ultra2 pci scsi card
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10. OS/2 Driver Installation


The PCI-SIU2 OS/2 driver will support OS/2, 3.0 & 4.0. The device driver for
OS/2 is copied from the PCI-SIU2 DRIVER DISK 1 to your hard drive where
it is initialized during boot-up.
The installation of ASUS device drivers to support OS/2 include the following
software files and may be found on the PCI-SIU2 DRIVER DISK 1:
PCI-SIU2 SCSI Host Adapter OS/2 driver.
Script file for installing INIA100.ADD
The ReadMe.txt file on the PCI-SIU2 DRIVER DISK 1 contains important
updated information not mentioned in this chapter. Successful installation of
the ASUS driver will likely depend on the instructions given in the ReadMe
text file.


The PCI-SIU2 driver developed for OS/2 will be installed on the disk drive
used for system initialization. The driver is loaded during the system boot
routine and will remain resident on the drive. Installation of the drivers can be
accomplished by following one of the procedures listed:
New OS/2 Installation
Adding PCI-SIU2 host adapter to existing OS/2
The steps used to install the ASUS drivers have different system requirements
that may affect basic operation if not installed properly. It is strongly suggested
that the selected procedure be read and understood before proceeding. Please
read all instructions carefully.
ASUS PCI-SIU2 User's Manual


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