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Removing The Unit; Troubleshooting - JVC KD-AV7100 Installation & Connection Manual


The following illustration shows a typical installation. However, you
should make adjustments corresponding to your specific car. If you
have any questions or require information regarding installation kits,
consult your JVC car audio dealer or a company supplying kits.
• If you are not sure how to install this unit correctly, have it installed
by a qualified technician.

Removing the unit

Before removing the unit, release the rear section.


• The fuse blows.
* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?
• Power cannot be turned on.
* Is the yellow lead connected?
• No sound from the speakers.
* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?
• Sound is distorted.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the "–" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?
• Unit becomes hot.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the "–" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?
• This unit does not work at all.
* Have you reset your unit?
Do the required electrical connections.
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Bend the appropriate tabs to hold the sleeve
firmly in place.
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Insert the two handles, then pull them
as illustrated so that the unit can be
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