Examples Of The Use Of The Functions - Newport XPS-Q8 Users Manual, Software Tools And Tutorial

Universal high-performance motion controller/driver
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XPS-Q8 Controller
positioner. The returned velocity/acceleration values are the same for all positioners,
because they represent the trajectory's velocity/acceleration.
To execute a Line-arc trajectory, send the function XYLineArcExecution() with the
parameters for the trajectory velocity, and the trajectory acceleration that is used during
the start and end of the trajectory. The motion profile for Line-arc trajectories is
trapezoidal. The function XYLineArcExecution() does not verify the trajectory
coherence or geometric conditions (exceeding any positioners, min. or max. travel,
speed or acceleration) before execution, so users must pay attention when executing a
trajectory and verify the trajectory relative to the maximum possible values or possible
interference. In case of an error during execution, because of bad data or because of a
following error (for example if the trajectory acceleration or speed was set too high) the
motion group will make an emergency stop and will enter the disabled state. The
parameters for trajectory velocity and trajectory acceleration can also be set to zero. In
this case the controller uses executable default values which are Min{All V
for trajectory velocity and Min{All A
A trajectory can be executed many times (up to 2
ExecutionNumber parameter with the XYLineArcExecution function. In this case, the
second run of the trajectory is simply appended to the end of the first run, while the end
position of the first run is taken as a new start position (referenced to zero) of the second
run. The trajectory endpoint does not need to be the same as the start point. The total
trajectory is executed without stopping between the different runs.
Finally, the function XYLineArcParametersGet() returns the trajectory execution
status with trajectory name, trajectory velocity, trajectory acceleration and current
executed trajectory element. This function returns an error if the trajectory is not

Examples of the Use of the Functions

XYLineArcVerification (XYGroup, Linearc1.trj)
This function returns a 0 if the trajectory is executable.
XYLineArcVerificationResultGet (XYGroup.XPositioner, *Name,
*NegTravel, *PosTravel, *MaxSpeed, *MaxAcceleration)
This function returns the name of the trajectory checked with the last sent
function XYLineArcVerification to that motion group (Linearc1.trj), the
negative or left travel required for the XYGroup.XPositioner, the positive or
right travel required for the XYGroup.XPositioner, the maximum trajectory
velocity and the maximum trajectory acceleration.
XYLineArcExecution (XYGroup, Linearc1.trj, 10, 100, 2)
Executes the trajectory Linearc1.trj with a trajectory velocity of 10 units/s
and a trajectory acceleration of 100 units/s
XYLineArcParametersGet (XYGroup, *FileName, *TrajectoryVelocity,
*TrajectoryAcceleration, *ElementNumber)
Returns the name of the trajectory in execution (Linearc1.trj), the trajectory
velocity (10), the trajectory acceleration (100) and the number of the current
executed trajectory element.
} for trajectory acceleration.
XPSDocumentation V1.4.x (EDH0301En1060 — 10/17)
Motion Tutorial
times) by specifying the
two (2) times.


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