Using The Installer With System 7.0 & Above; Figure 19 - Macintosh Installer Screen - Pioneer DRM-604X Driver Installation Manual

Cd-rom changers
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Chapter 4
Using the Installer with System 7.0 and Above
Launch the installer that ships with the diskette to automatically install the drivers and
files that are needed by the Macintosh to communicate with the Pioneer CD-ROM
Changer. NOTE: Remove all virus protection software or other INITs that may conflict
from your System Folder while you are installing the Pioneer drivers. Don't forget to
replace them in the System Folder after installation of the Pioneer drivers is complete.
You will see this screen when you launch the installer:
M a c i n t o s h H D

Figure 19 - MACINTOSH Installer Screen

Click on INSTALL to automatically install the necessary files. HELP informs you of
the functionality of different buttons. Make sure that you are running the install program
from the PIONEER diskette that ships with the drive. Select CUSTOMIZE to select
specific files to install. This option is useful if you only need to install CLD-Access (the
driver) but do not need to install the specific Extensions. The dialog box in the lower left
side of the Custom Install Screen describes each highlighted item.
Figure 20 - MACINTOSH Custom Install
Owner's Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
MACINTOSH Driver Installation

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