Chapter 3
These default settings are suitable for most computer configurations. If you need
to change the settings, refer to the QUICK INSTALL Parameters on page 3-5.
If you choose to over-ride the Auto SCSI ID Search feature using the Custom
Install options, make sure the SCSI ID number selected in the Custom Install
matches the number indicated on the back of the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
Quick Install Parameters
P ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Figure 6 - DOS/WINDOWS - Select SCSI Host Adapter
The default settings work well with most computer configurations. Most basic
changes can be made by modifying the Quick Install Parameters, as described below:
Boot Drive - The drive from which MS DOS will boot.
The default DOS boot drive is C. To change the drive letter, highlight the menu
selection for the DOS BOOT DRIVE, press the [F3] key to edit, type in the
replacement drive letter and press the [ENTER] key.
Path - The directory path indicating where all the driver files will be copied.
The default path is C:\PIONEER. To change the path, highlight the menu selection
for PATH TO INSTALL DRIVER, press the [F3] key to edit and then type in the
replacement path name.
SCSI host adapter - Indicates the adapter to which the CD-ROM Changer is
connected. The default setting for the SCSI host adapter is Future Domain. Either
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Ver 2.0
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner's Manual
Future Domain
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