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Maintenance Schedule - Honda XR650L 2008 Owner's Manual


07/04/16 09:56:16 31MY6750_073

Maintenance Schedule

The required Maintenance Schedule that
follows specifies how often you should
have your motorcycle serviced, and what
things need attention. It is essential to have
your motorcycle serviced as scheduled to
maintain safe, dependable performance
and proper emission control.
The service intervals in this Maintenance
Schedule are based on average riding
conditions. Some items will need more
frequent service if you ride in unusually
wet or dusty areas or at full throttle.
Consult your Honda dealer for
recommendations applicable to your
individual needs and use.
Servicing Your Honda
Some items in the Maintenance Schedule
can be performed with basic mechanical
skills and hand tools. Procedures for these
items are provided in this manual. Other
items involve more extensive procedures
and may require special training, tools,
and equipment. We recommend that you
have your Honda dealer perform these
tasks unless you have advanced
mechanical skills and the required tools
and equipment. Procedures for such items
in this schedule are provided in an official
Honda Service Manual available for
purchase (page

